2014 JKUR - P0306 code - Left Cylinder Head being replaced


New member
Thought I would throw this out there, not sure if this is similar to what went on in the 12's but ours is currently under the knife for this.

Took three trips to the dealer before they decided to replace it, but I had guessed all along it was the head issue from all the descriptions I could find.

Bummer if this is an indicator of more problems for this motor, just over 9k miles, but maybe it is just our bad luck as I have not seen too much info on others with this issue on newer than 13's.

Light would flash at us climbing grades when it would downshift and run at about 4200 rpm. If I let off the gas it would quit, if I kept on it steady it would stay on and produce the code. No noticeable effects in the way the Jeep drove, except it did kind of putter on me after I forced it to code for me on the street. I left it in 2nd gear and ran it at 4200 rpm a few seconds to reproduce the problem for the dealer to see, it ran rough for a few seconds after that at idle, then felt fine again.

Oh well, if anyone has similar issues or opinions on what else it could be other than another head defect, please let me know.
Wow, really? Still seeing P0306 on a 2014? Glad to hear your dealership is taking care of you but it does suck that this may still be a problem that has yet to be fixed.
I'll be mindful of this for my 2014. Haven't had any issues yet after almost 14k miles, so we'll see. Hopefully everything is remedied for you after they replace the head.
Maybe it's a fluke, I'm not finding much on Google searches past the 2012's - Compression test and swapping coils on previous visit revealed no results.
We had the P0306 Code on our 2014 JKR 6-Speed and our dealer did a compression check and leak down test.

They ended up reprogramming the PCM.

No issues since.

2014 JKR Reprogram.jpg
We had the P0306 Code on our 2014 JKR 6-Speed and our dealer did a compression check and leak down test.

They ended up reprogramming the PCM.

No issues since.

Glad it worked, same symptoms by any chance? High RPM's?
My 2014 is in the shop this morning for the P0306 code. They were going to replace the head but they said they couldn't get the part released to them until they run some more diagnostics. So we'll see what happens with their diagnostics today.... The code cleared on its own a few days ago so hopefully they don't just leave it and say no problem.
We got it back over the weekend, cylinder head was replaced but they had it over a week - supposedly they had the heads in stock, but Jeep had them wait for them to send out a head with a different part #.

Doesn't matter because I drove it to 4200 rpm and the light came back on, P0306 again...

This sucks
We got it back over the weekend, cylinder head was replaced but they had it over a week - supposedly they had the heads in stock, but Jeep had them wait for them to send out a head with a different part #.

Doesn't matter because I drove it to 4200 rpm and the light came back on, P0306 again...

This sucks

May be the timing of the cams.
We got it back over the weekend, cylinder head was replaced but they had it over a week - supposedly they had the heads in stock, but Jeep had them wait for them to send out a head with a different part #.

Doesn't matter because I drove it to 4200 rpm and the light came back on, P0306 again...

This sucks

That sucks...

Did they check what software version the PCM was programmed to?

Good Luck with the next go-around with your dealer.
Holy cow, I thought the epidemic was over after 2012! There hasn't been much said about cyl heads since the dealers received the new head vaccine. Gotta be something else going on.
Just got word back from the dealership - this time Chrysler had them replace the camshaft, still doing the exact same thing.

I asked them about the PCM, they told me they just have to do whatever Chrysler tells them too, which I suppose is true.

I don't know if contacting Chrysler myself would do any good, I kind of doubt it, guess it is just wait and see again.

Wonder if I can squeeze an extended warranty out of Chrysler though? - for having my engine gutted twice already and whatever is next, not feeling too confident in this vehicle anymore.. If anyone has heard of such a thing please let me know, thanks all..
Defiantly call Jeep Customer Care and open up a case. I called after the local dealership topped off my coolant resevoir with Hoat coolant instead of the Oat coolant. Long story short, I now have an extended warranty at no charge.

Don't take any BS from the dealer, they told me purple Oat Coolant didn't come out until 2015.
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Defiantly call Jeep Customer Care and open up a case. I called after the local dealership topped off my coolant resevoir with Hoat coolant instead of the Oat coolant. Long story short, I now have an extended warranty at no charge.

Don't take any BS from the dealer, they told me purple Oat Coolant didn't come out until 2015.

I just got one opened, thanks for the info
They ended up not doing anything to mine. I originally had a code on cylinder 6. Then they tested it and got a code on 1 and 5. Then they couldn't reproduce the problem so they sent it home....
We just got ours back Saturday, they ended up replacing the PCM.

When my wife started it after swapping the loaner with the dealership - engine light came on. I had her check the code with the key and it was P0520 this time.

Went into the dealership to confirm with them and they promptly replaced the oil pressure sensor, which apparently is a common problem and just a coincidence I guess.

I have not yet tried to duplicate the P0306 code again as it requires me to run it up to 4500 rpm in 2nd gear. Since the motor has been gutted three times now we are just going to see if any problems reappear next week, heading up to some mountain grades.

Hope it's fixed, I'll be asking Jeep customer care for an extended warranty when they call but I'm not holding my breath. First thing they tried blamed it on was having bigger tires on it... Ya - 33's should definitely limit a brand new vehicle to 50mph on 5% grades.
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