2012 wrangler HELP


so i thought id just go ahead and ask here.... so i have hydrolocked my motor and its been upside down (2 different occasions)

and i know most of you are going to say you cant fix a hydrolocked motor... i somehow got it to run. ran like crap... but ran. ran that way for about 8 months. burned oil died from time to time and sounded like hell. well anyways.. i finally scrounged up enough pocket change for a new motor. 2013 motor with 4k miles on it. dropped it in myself with some help from my buddies and 2 nights and some "supplies" (beer :beer: and cigarettes) later it was all said and done. so i thought.

cranks but wont start. :mad:

the motor could have came from a salvaged vehicle where the ASD got tripped but i dont know how to reset it. the motor is just not getting gas. i got it started up with some starting fluid but i had to hold the idle at 2000rpms to keep it running. i pulled the intake manifold and checked the fuel rails and injectors and discovered that the las injector on the rail (passanger side front was bone dry. the other injectors have a little gas in them like they should. so ive been thinking about this all night and cant figure it out. :idontknow:

anyone have any ideas on why its not starting?

All things being equal, have you checked your sending unit to make sure it's actually pumping gas to your motor?
I would also get an inline fuel pressure gauge and check the fuel pressure, not sure what adequate pressure is for the 3.6, but I'm sure you could find it online. If the jeep was rolled and the pump was run dry, that can cause damage to the pump.
Pull the main supply fuel line off at the engine, turn the key on, if fuel sprays out, it's getting fuel. Be careful, it'll come out fast

I'll have to try it when I get off work but that's what I was assuming

I would also get an inline fuel pressure gauge and check the fuel pressure, not sure what adequate pressure is for the 3.6, but I'm sure you could find it online. If the jeep was rolled and the pump was run dry, that can cause damage to the pump.

I rolled it over a year and a half ago and have been driving it since hahaha but I'm should still check the pressure
I'll have to try it when I get off work but that's what I was assuming

I rolled it over a year and a half ago and have been driving it since hahaha but I'm should still check the pressure

Ok, if it was that long ago, the pressure is probably fine. When I've seen pumps go bad, sometimes they'll idle but not accelerate, which I would say is the exact opposite of what yours is doing.
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