2011 Tail Light Wire Color Codes?


New member
I purchased an ORO LED License Plate/3rd Brake light... And I wanted to know what the colors are for the stock wiring of the tail lights I need to tap into. I searched and found a few write ups, but they all seem to have different color wires that they suggest.
Well, I'm gonna assume one of the write-ups you saw was from my old TJ and, I don't think it would apply to the JK. If you can't find what you're looking for, your best bet will be to just do some trail and error.
Do they not include the wire colors in the instructions anymore, the only reason I ask that is the one on my 11 was spot on in the instructions.

2011 JKU 3.5 R.E. Longarm lift.
Trial and error is what I had to do. Get you a volt meter to check which wires is what. And mine still does this funny thing when I open the tailgate the right tail light flashes.
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