2009 JKU 2410R Rubi can into my 2011 JK with 6 Speed


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2009 JKU 2410R Rubicon into my 2011 JK with 6 Speed

I'm looking to make sure that this Rubicon T-case will bolt up too my 2011 JK with a 6 speed. I am unsure if it's from an automatic or manual. Everything I've seen here says yes. Just want to make sure before I pull the trigger.
Thanks for any input!

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Manual to manual is a definitely fit on all JK's. 2007-11 auto will be a fit on a manual as well.
No info on this swap? It's looking like upto 2012 it should work??

If you don't get an exact response, maybe send Motech a PM. They're a vendor on the forum, and I would imagine they would have good knowledge of what bolts up to what.
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