2.5" lift installed yesterday...Question!


New member
I installed a 2.5" teraflex lift yesterday with bilstein 5100 shocks!! I love the look and it drives good.....BUT.. When I get up into high speed the traction control light comes on and once I hit the brakes it makes a rough/dragging sound! Please help!!!

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Your steering wheel is off a bit. You need to recenter it as your computer now thinks you are in a slide.
Your steering wheel is off a bit. You need to recenter it as your computer now thinks you are in a slide.

Okay perfect I was test driving it because I just adjusted the steering wheel. I will keep adjusting until it is right!!! BTW..I used your write up to install the lift Eddie!! And damn what a help! First time ever installing a lift! Felt like you were there talking me through it! I owe you a cold one!!

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app
LOL!! Glad to hear my write-up was able to help you out. As you seem to understand, just keep at it and try to get it dead on.

I just did a little more adjusting steering wheel is centered and the traction control does not come on when I get up in speed!!! Thanks so much. 1 more thing, my lift came with a rear track bar bracket. It requires some drilling so I did not install the bracket!! Do I need to install?? Thanks

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app
after you get it centered disconnect your battery for about 20 mins. it should reset the computer and it will go away.
Yes you want to install it. It raises the roll center of the jeep for better handling. It will also help to recenter your axle since with the lift on the rear it is likely pulled slightly to the pass side if you didn't install the bracket. Does the TF kit come with a new trackbar or no? Some do som don't.
I just did a little more adjusting steering wheel is centered and the traction control does not come on when I get up in speed!!! Thanks so much. 1 more thing, my lift came with a rear track bar bracket. It requires some drilling so I did not install the bracket!! Do I need to install?? Thanks

Need? No, it isn't "needed". For the most part, it'll just help to re-center your axle but really, with such a small lift, it won't change the way your Jeep handles or drives. Depending on what size tires you are running, you may find it helpful to do as your driver side rear tire sidewall may be sitting dangerously close to the rear sway bar link end. An adjustable rear track bar will help you to re-center your axle as well but, being that you already have the bracket, it would be cheaper and easier to just install it.
I'm surprised you have to drill it. My lift had a new rear trackbar and bracket both. The bracket just bolted to the factory trackbar position and had two u bolts to wrap around the axle at the ends. But they are all different.

To Eddie's point not needed but I always install everything I paid for. Just drill away :beer:
The frame side drop bracket requires drilling and supposedly does not help the roll center. You need the axle side rear track bar bracket to avoid the drilling and to help the roll center in theory.
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