1986 XJ Sensitive steering


New member
Hey everyone, I hope to really meet a lot of good people here, I know this is my first post, and I've searched and not really been able to find a similar situation to mine, but I've got a question on how to correct/figure out what's going on with my XJ.. I would like to say I'm not a mechanic, nor am I good at diagnosing problems with vehicles. I am "good with my hands" though meaning I understand how to fix it as long as I have direction on what to do.. I can end up replacing it myself as long as it's not like taking out a tranny lol.

The steering to me and others who have driven my car, is REALLY sensitive. I'm not sure what it is.. By sensitive I mean, barely moving the wheel makes it turn really quick.. I don't think anything is "broken" I think that it just needs to be adjusted really.. but I'm not sure on how to adjust it.. I've also been advised to put in a Steering Stabilizer. I just have no clue what that is/does, if someone can help describe what the stabilizer is and what it does basically..

Thank you for all your help! Also if you need any more help/information, just let me know!
Welcome to WAYALIFE! Why don't you start by telling us about your Jeep. Is it stock, is it lifted, what size tires are your running? Things like that.
It's fairly stock (for parts that were replaced they were just stock replacement) I believe it has about a 3" lift and I'm unsure of the tires, but I'll check them out and let you know tomorrow on the tire size.
It's fairly stock (for parts that were replaced they were just stock replacement) I believe it has about a 3" lift and I'm unsure of the tires, but I'll check them out and let you know tomorrow on the tire size.

3" is enough to make it steer like shit if the caster is off. Just a guess. Do you have stock control arms?
Everything is pretty much set for the lift, it was owned by a mechanic that actually treated his cars very well and never beat the hell out of them, but he said that he just got used to the sensitivity and I know the camber is perfect.. But I just want to get the sensitivity down to where I'm comfortable with it. I do have my brother here for the weekend, so I'm gonna have him check it out, he's a certified mechanic and runs his own shop. I' let you all know what he suggests.. But any more comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Everything is pretty much set for the lift, it was owned by a mechanic that actually treated his cars very well and never beat the hell out of them, but he said that he just got used to the sensitivity and I know the camber is perfect.. But I just want to get the sensitivity down to where I'm comfortable with it. I do have my brother here for the weekend, so I'm gonna have him check it out, he's a certified mechanic and runs his own shop. I' let you all know what he suggests.. But any more comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!!


If you can't answer the question, I can't help. Just because he got use to it, doesn't mean it's correct.
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