03/13 Four years ago today we heard two weeks to flatten the curve.

Today is the anniversary of that liberty destroying edict of two weeks to flatten the curve. Our world has never been the same. Those of us that refused to go along with their bullshit lockdowns mask wearing and social isolation and experimental gene therapy injections can hold our heads high knowing we were correct all along. We can be sure they are going to try similar within these next nine months before the election.
Stay strong
There’s actually a great article that was put out this week that goes very in depth called The Covid Experiment. The author talks about the Stanford experiment as well as asch and milgram. Very well written and worth your time. Fascinating. But my disdain is more towards the average person that followed blindly screaming at me and my wife for not toeing the line and wearing the face diaper. Forbidding me from eating or entering their store when all the evidence was available to them they were being lied to.
I’m not sure what concerned me the most- how authoritarian Gov became or how quickly the average person took it upon themselves to become complicit in that authoritarianism.

Google ‘The Stanford Prison Experiment’.
Not just complicit - faithful.

I'm still waiting for an apology from the righteous amongst us - the ones who scorned us for not masking up or taking the jab. The ones who went on and on about "the science" and how "their doctor told them that it was needed and that they trusted their doctor". The ones who laughed at us for being "conspiracy theorists" and should be considered "murderers" or left to die for not obeying.
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Not just complicit - faithful.

I'm still waiting for an apology from the righteous amongst us - the ones who scorned us for not masking up or taking the jab. The ones who went on and on about "the science" and how "their doctor told them that it was needed and that they trusted their doctor". The ones who laughed at us for being "conspiracy theorists" and should be considered "murderers" or left to die for not obeying.
There won’t be any apologies so don’t hold your breath. The only good news is the jabbed are croaking at a fairly alarming rate.
I sometimes work in a pharmaceutical manufacturing and research company here in Indianapolis (that's the info you need to know who it is) and in their R&D buildings the research people just laughed and shook their head while this was going on. They didn't talk about it because the company was backing the "story".

Now that it's over, they freely talk about it. Their biggest laugh is at "follow the science" because there wasn't any science. There were made up facts to back the made up theory. It's funny, "we" as outside contractors HAD to get the jab to work there. The actual employees of the company had no such restriction.

Any way, a standard NEW drug would be going through human trials about now, if there were no complications in the other testing that is required by the FDA before human trials start.

The recipe that was used had to already be developed for something, and we'll never know what it's true purpose was and what it's going to do to future generations.
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I sometimes work in a pharmaceutical manufacturing and research company here in Indianapolis (that's the info you need to know who it is) and in there R&D buildings the research people just laughed and shook their head while this was going on. They didn't talk about because the company was backing the "story".

Now that it's over, they freely talk about it. Their biggest laugh is at "follow the science" because there wasn't any science. There were made up facts to back the made up theory. It's funny, "we" as outside contractors HAD to get the jab to work there. The actual employees of the company had no such restriction.

Any way, a standard NEW drug would be going through human trials about now, if there were no complications in the other testing that is required by the FDA before human trials start.

The recipe that was used had to already be developed for something, and we'll never know what it's true purpose was and what it's going to do to future generations.
Yeah there is no way they cooked that up in the time frame. This thing was waiting on the right time to maximize uptake. Far as I can tell they have already told us what the long term purpose is. Gates said it out loud they want to depopulate the planet.
Yeah there is no way they cooked that up in the time frame. This thing was waiting on the right time to maximize uptake. Far as I can tell they have already told us what the long term purpose is. Gates said it out loud they want to depopulate the planet.
Don’t forget that a number of world leaders were stoked about covid and the opportunity for “the great reset.” Fuckers…
Not just complicit - faithful.

I'm still waiting for an apology from the righteous amongst us - the ones who scorned us for not masking up or taking the jab. The ones who went on and on about "the science" and how "their doctor told them that it was needed and that they trusted their doctor". The ones who laughed at us for being "conspiracy theorists" and should be considered "murderers" or left to die for not obeying.
Those ones, even some here on the forum, just don’t talk about it anymore. That’s their way of not having to deal with being completely wrong and stupid.
Yeah there is no way they cooked that up in the time frame. This thing was waiting on the right time to maximize uptake. Far as I can tell they have already told us what the long term purpose is. Gates said it out loud they want to depopulate the planet.
Don’t forget that a number of world leaders were stoked about covid and the opportunity for “the great reset.” Fuckers…
But it killed the ones that complied. The ones they have a harder time controlling (us) are still as strong as ever.
My wife was forced out of her job as an ER nurse because she refused the jab. She got an email last week saying she could come back now. Lol. The employer I was with before changing jobs last May was deducting my paycheck every month because I refused. It’s sad what happened to our country because of that crap.
My wife was forced out of her job as an ER nurse because she refused the jab. She got an email last week saying she could come back now. Lol. The employer I was with before changing jobs last May was deducting my paycheck every month because I refused. It’s sad what happened to our country because of that crap.
This burns me up beyond belief especially them saying to your wife oooh sorry you can come back now. No hard feelings? God bless you and your wife for refusing in spite of the hardship that created. I’m proud to know you are out there and know you are not alone.
Now a feel good story

Journalist, Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33​

Frank BergmanMarch 6, 2024 - 12:59 pm24 Comments

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