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  1. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Yeah these whistleblower files all dropped right before the latest assassination attempt. Just saying!
  2. NPC 6060⁸42

    Ciao a tutti da Belluno!

    Benvenuti dalla Virginia. È un piacere averti qui. Hope that’s right I used online translator
  3. NPC 6060⁸42

    Howdy Y’all from Dallas

    Welcome from Va.
  4. NPC 6060⁸42

    The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪

    That’s it folks. Inflation the hidden tax on the middle class.
  5. NPC 6060⁸42

    The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪

    Aaaaand dollar dropping
  6. NPC 6060⁸42

    The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪

    Yikes this won’t be good for inflation no matter how much people wish for low interest rates it’s not a good thing sorry.
  7. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump Yeah I was just reading about this. Wild ain’t it? Though I’ve seen speculation Hezbolah had their shit booby trapped in case Mossad got ahold of them but Mossad got ahold of the master...
  8. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Well ain’t you just a ray of fucking sunshine this morning?
  9. NPC 6060⁸42

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Take the whiskey and close the door in their faces.
  10. NPC 6060⁸42

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  11. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Damn. good point.
  12. NPC 6060⁸42

    East Coast

    Ok looking at my handy dandy calendar in Oct we have Columbus Day on Monday the 14 thwe could do a three or four day weekend type thing up at Rausch Creek/ AOAA or there might be bigger crowds because of the holiday weekend and we should do the next weekend. The 19th and 20th. Any thoughts...
  13. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Yeah the should get blowed up just for using a pager
  14. NPC 6060⁸42

    The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪

    That and don’t forget about tens of billions for Ukrainian clustarfuck and for Israel too.
  15. NPC 6060⁸42

    The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪 Yikes.
  16. NPC 6060⁸42

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Because they are being scrubbed by fbi? We know they have a back door into social media sites.
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