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  1. DirtHeadDavis

    AZVAJKU Build

  2. DirtHeadDavis

    AZVAJKU Build

    Great shot! (y)
  3. DirtHeadDavis


    Finally had a second to book my room for the 3rd and 4th, getting excited to make the trip out to Mesquite again! Right around 6 hours of a drive (y)
  4. DirtHeadDavis

    Cochise Arizona says hello and Happy New

    Welcome! It's been awhile since I've seen a cool WJ.
  5. DirtHeadDavis

    Movies Worth Watching

    I too watched Die Hard 1 and 2 with the pups today lol.
  6. DirtHeadDavis


    Merry Christmas Wayalife!
  7. DirtHeadDavis

    Hi from CA Bay Area

    Welcome from SoCal!
  8. DirtHeadDavis

    Here we go

    I am absolutely certain my cat doesn't give a damn about Jeeps. Or anything really.
  9. DirtHeadDavis

    What Happened to all the Eggs??

    I’ll check here in Commiefornia shortly.
  10. DirtHeadDavis

    What Happened to all the Eggs??

    Super weird. Looks like you'll have to get that gay egg substitute stuff I see in the yellow carton. Lol.
  11. DirtHeadDavis

    Battery Alternative

    Another vote for auto parts store with the longest warranty. I’ve had good luck with Die Hard batteries in the Jeep since getting it. First one lasted 4 years with no issues. Believe the warranty was 3 or 4 years too.
  12. DirtHeadDavis

    What's your view like at work?

    Didn’t say it looked good. Lol.
  13. DirtHeadDavis

    ✌️ from Arkansas!

    Welcome from SoCal!
  14. DirtHeadDavis

    What's your view like at work?

    Saw an Ursa Minor top up close for the first time in a while - honestly not as bad as I remember it looking, just maybe too much of a bedlined finish that clashes with the fenders I suppose.
  15. DirtHeadDavis

    Hello from Phoenix!

    Welcome from SoCal!
  16. DirtHeadDavis

    Hi fro Rosamond.

    Welcome from SoCal
  17. DirtHeadDavis

    El mini jeep

    Welcome from San Diego
  18. DirtHeadDavis

    A Dirt Head's JK

    I can’t lie, it is also very nice to have a killer detail team onsite at work too lol. Cleanest my Jeep’s been in a while.
  19. DirtHeadDavis

    The BEST Internet Expert Advice I've Been Given

    I air down my tires, and don't leave retarded comments :cool:
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