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  1. JT@623

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

  2. JT@623

    Ciao a tutti da Belluno!

    It’s Chinese sheeshh 🙄
  3. JT@623

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Me on my porch
  4. JT@623

    Suds of the Day

    6 of those devil brews you’ll forget about today
  5. JT@623

    Made Me SMILE 😊

    I would’ve checked my wallet first 🤣
  6. JT@623

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Globalization at it’s finest sit down shut up or else
  7. JT@623

    EV Awesomeness

    Kinda like Israeli pagers 🤔
  8. JT@623

    Recall #30B Inst. Panel Cluster

    No issues so far 2023 JT
  9. JT@623

    Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

    Fuckin whitey spreading lies again 🙄
  10. JT@623

    Suds of the Day

    I would but I’m not retired yet . Coming to work hungover and having to deal with all the millennials would not end well for me. Most of them need a safe space or have HR on speed dial 🙄
  11. JT@623

    Suds of the Day

    Have to admit drinking on any day that ends in Y I’m a bit jealous
  12. JT@623

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    WTF 🤬 they both need to be flown to any one of the fuckastans
  13. JT@623

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    Imagine that 🤔
  14. JT@623

    Whiskey of the Day

    And on a Monday no less impressive 👍
  15. JT@623

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    If I had that music ringing in my ears all day I’d wouldn’t care if I shot myself either
  16. JT@623

    Random Photos

    Grandson helping change the oil
  17. JT@623

    Blackstone Grill

    I’d hate to be disappointed
  18. JT@623

    Blackstone Grill

    What no booze ?
  19. JT@623

    Old School Cool

  20. JT@623

    Drive shaft question

    I have Adam’s no complaints going on 4 years
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