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  1. Jaybird 11

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    That's a dance routine.
  2. Jaybird 11

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Good start!
  3. Jaybird 11

    Fire in California

    You mean lickity split!
  4. Jaybird 11

    Help with rear ps bracket for 4.2 to 4.0 conversion

    That's what I did. I cut the bracket bolted it where it needed to be then cut a piece to fill the gap. Tack welded it in p!ace. Then took it apart and welded it together.
  5. Jaybird 11

    1980 CJ7 Daily Build

    Gasket hammer way easier.
  6. Jaybird 11

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Say goodbye to all of the deer there!
  7. Jaybird 11

    1980 CJ7 Daily Build

    Small block Chevy is a good swap from the 4 banger.
  8. Jaybird 11

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Groups are getting better.
  9. Jaybird 11

    Show Off Your Guns!

    140 grain. It seems to like the Barnes match burners.
  10. Jaybird 11

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Best groups at 100yds so far.
  11. Jaybird 11

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Ruger american. 6.5 creedmorr. Arken ep 5 scope.
  12. Jaybird 11

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

    On the way to work.
  13. Jaybird 11

    Crazy Cool Clouds

  14. Jaybird 11

    Karen Of The Day

    Just trying to poke some fun at overlander for taking down a pic of a lady in a wife beater.
  15. Jaybird 11

    Karen Of The Day

  16. Jaybird 11

    Karen Of The Day

    Never thought he would be on this lol
  17. Jaybird 11

    1972 Jeep J2000 Brake Booster Advice

    I have the same truck. Our local Napa store sent ours to a rebuilder to be fixed. It's been working good for about 15 years.
  18. Jaybird 11

    In need!!!

    BJ's offroad has some full size Jeep parts.
  19. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : Hi-Lift or Bottle Jack - What's the Better Tool for Changing a Tire?

    Great video! High lift is going to be mad at you lol! My dad had a high lift it the j truck for years. Only time we used it has to get unstuck in the snow once. Jacked it up high as we could and pushed it over and drove out.
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