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  1. Tomb1957

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

    Just a few minutes ago in Yermo Ca. Smoke from the fires.
  2. Tomb1957

    Rear urethane jounce bumper installation issues

    My stock yellow rubber rear jounce bumpers are shot so I bought some Prothane urethane replacements. The problem is I cannot get them to seat into the cup. I can do the stock ones by hand, but the new ones are stiffer. Do I need to remove the coil spring? Remember these are the rear. Thanks.
  3. Tomb1957

    Red rigs gather here...

    Here's mine.
  4. Tomb1957

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

    Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley End of a great day.
  5. Tomb1957

    Big wave from Clovis Ca.

    Just thought I would say hi. New to owning a Jeep, but not to four wheeling. I just bought a 2010 2d Rubicon, and love it so far.
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