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  1. C

    Replacement Roll Bar Padding

    Looking to replace my roll bar padding as it's hard as rock. Does anyone have a recommended source they've used? Thank You
  2. C

    Factory Ground Point for 2013 JKU

    I'm looking for a list of the Factory Ground Points for a 2013 JKU, I've was told there are 6-7 on the Jeep. Thanks a Million Mike
  3. C

    Dash light Issue with JKUR

    Ok, the last couple of rain storms has produced an issue. My dash beeps, all the symbols flash and the speedo drops to zero..... then everything comes back on. Only happens when it rains.....I've already checked for leaks and didn't find any. I'm wondering if the swaybar disconnect isn't...
  4. C

    2013 Rubicon Swaybar & Locker buttons not working

    Recently purchase this 2013 Rubi, I've put it in 4H & 4L but the swaybar doesn't disconnect and the lockers don't engage. I was traveling about 5-10 miles in hour when attempting this all. Idea's..... besides buying a new JL!
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