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  1. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    So this is my idea right here my old pioneer 12s and some how fit a crunch 1000watt amp I have had this system since I was 16
  2. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Break time enjoy the weather with my baby girl
  3. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Doing alittle bit of customization hoping this will be a good mod for D-day
  4. dcbjk

    Pulled the doors off for the first time in 2016!

    Well I had D-day stripped down yesterday and today long as weather holds up This is from today
  5. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    So today I couldn't help but notice the beautiful Carolina sunset so I pulled into a mans field to take a pic and got ran off for taking a pictures but at least got one so enjoy Sunset on the windshield Hope you enjoy the few pics from today it was beautiful to strip D-day down for today and...
  6. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    So today I took D-day out to a secret little shooting range to do some iron sight roughly100 yard shootin with my ICM2 training rifle Here are the pics from today enjoy Found an old tobacco barn that looked beautiful and couldn't help snapping a few Hope you enjoy the pics it was good...
  7. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well got invited by a local club to a meet and greet and they had a ramp so I figured why not go meet and greet Hope you enjoy the pics it was a fun time to see a few locals
  8. dcbjk

    Gift for Eddie and Cindy from DCBJK

    So for those of you who have been reading and following by build you will remember that I posted about a little project I had been working on for 17 days to give to Eddie and Cindy. I started this thread hoping that Eddie will chime in SHHHHHH nobody knows what it is and I'm so excited and...
  9. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well took my wife out to a place called the boiler room in Kinston couldn't help showing off D-day doing a bit of mall crawling haha enjoy
  10. dcbjk

    Tribute to the Families of the Helicopter Crash Hawaii

    I made it back this morning bout 4am and thought I would share a few pics trying to get much needed rest have driven there and back in 3 days technically bout 1200-1300 miles but it was worth it Lake where ceremony took place King Stallion Semper Fi Turner
  11. dcbjk

    VIDEO - RENEGADE SNOW DAY : Snow Wheeling a Jeep Renegade Trailhawk

    Awesome can't wait to see that I'm hoping that'll be my next set that or the ST MAXX considering I don't get to do much wheeling
  12. dcbjk

    VIDEO - RENEGADE SNOW DAY : Snow Wheeling a Jeep Renegade Trailhawk

    That's another amazing film Eddie and Cindy I agree with the others poor Cindy having to film in the cold haha. Renny looks sharp and is really making a reputation for the Renegades. I like the reviews your giving on the STT Pros they are amazing and I can't wait to get a set for myself to run on.
  13. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well finished my personalized grab handle blue my favorite color and as close color match yellow for Dday Oh yes I'm waiting for her in the parking lot she doing little baking shopping
  14. dcbjk

    Cocktail Hour

    It won't give you a buzz but it'll give ya a sugar buzz for sure haha
  15. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    This was earlier when she was driving couldn't help it haha
  16. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well I figured I'd make my wife a personalized grab handle since she is getting alittle more into the Jeeps we test drove a renegade and hoping to test drive a Cherokee some time but I just finished the grab handle enjoy
  17. dcbjk

    SHOW us the SNOW!!

    Well it ain't snow but It counts also one other way to get a hard top haha
  18. dcbjk

    FIRST TIME : Lifted Jeep Renegade Trailhawk & Stock JK Rubicon on the Rocks

    I must say Eddie bud I will give Renny a 10 out of 10 very impressed with the way it climbed and wheeled in general through the whole trail. I will say due to observation the ground clearance may have been an issue at times, but it made it through and that says alot. I think the independent...
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