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  1. JDDK

    What's your view like at work?

    These things are very territorial. Everytime I go to this house they challenge me to a face off. The male started mating the female in front of my drivers door, as if to show me he was in charge. I was totally intimidated. hahaha
  2. JDDK

    What's your view like at work?

    Client has a "guard turkey" that has me trapped in my jeep. This thing is crazy protective and wants a piece of me
  3. JDDK

    Do you work with idiots?-I do

    i posted a sign on our office mens room 2 days ago that read, " please be advised this room is possibly under video surveillance. Please change the roll, clean up after your skids and drips or you will be publicly shamed for the perpetrator your are. Do the right thing in here." I came into my...
  4. JDDK

    Miles.. Everyone's got em, let's see yours!

    baby turned 200k today. enjoyed every single one of them...
  5. JDDK

    What's your view like at work?

    yet another crappy day in Santa Barbara!
  6. JDDK

    Christmas tree time!

    Suddenly my dash decides to light up last several days: ebrake, abs, esp and trac. Runs fine, no limp mode. cruise and horn work. had clockspring replaced w recall last year. wheel centered. want to ignore but its a lot of lights. loose sensor or connector? 09jku x w/3.8
  7. JDDK

    Big Rigs parked next to Stock Rigs Pics with Stats

    My boss gave me a ton of flak when i got my JK instead of a work truck. He remarries a month later, his new wife loves my jeep so she bought this little TJ a week later. Now he rolls to the office in it. Yes, Im gloating!
  8. JDDK

    What's your view like at work?

    another crappy day at work😜
  9. JDDK

    Random Photos

    i beg to differ
  10. JDDK

    Kill it With Fire

    Just a little mote head room
  11. JDDK

    CA legal cat converters???

    Good Evening Guys, I got the rattle and funky sulfur odor in my 09jku. Tried to ignore it until the CELs kept hitting. replaced cracked manifold, EGR, plugs, checked wires and did smoke test and checked for loose heat shields... still odor, rattle and mpg down to 11,12 from 14,15 consistently...
  12. JDDK

    Kill it With Fire

    for root protection???
  13. JDDK

    what is your trailer ? camp trailer , teardrop , travel trailer or ????????

    97 Jayco 12x7. bit heavy for the 3.8
  14. JDDK

    Random Photos

    because you can weld doesnt mean you should. Artec truss 6.0
  15. JDDK

    JKU rear door glass replacement

    Somehow got locked out of my rig miles into the desert last week. Not a good feeling. unsuccessfully tried to smash window with rocks. big friggin rocks like 25lbs..beat the crap out of it- finally gave up as I thought it would ruin the door. rear door has plastic instead of glass or what??? Is...
  16. JDDK

    Random Photos

    wife made me little jeep cookies
  17. JDDK

    Someone help! Semi urgent

    The bodyshop standard that Insurance companies use is 1.5 to 2 hrs of frame rack setup and maybe another hour to pull if it is "diamoned" out of square. you can use a tape measure to pick parallel points on the fender mount bolts under the hood and measure up to corresponding bolts on the upper...
  18. JDDK

    brand new 3.8 Radiator

    Christmas has me feeling generous and this thing has been sitting in my office for months. Free if you pay shipping or pickup. Brand new. PM me if you need this. I travel between Ventura and Santa Barbara daily
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