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  1. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Dude is smoking a pipe it looks like... and is he dragging a bat? So badass! 🤣
  2. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I'm more concerned with term limits than the # of political parties. IMO, a 3 or 4 party system in the United States... WITH term limits, would be more successful than the shit show currently in progress.
  3. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I guess they're probably going to raid my preferred candidate's home next... :cautious:
  4. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Don't you mean "shat", or is that present-tense on purpose??? :ROFLMAO:
  5. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    I may have to try that next time. I've had good luck with soapy water for installation, and I did try using it to break the bead. Ended up taking them to a guy who had a hydraulic machine. Charged me $20, and some good conversation. I'd have paid 4x as much but he insisted. So it all ended...
  6. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Having lived in WY for several years, I believe that for Cheney, Wyoming seems like a business arrangement. She owns a mansion in Jackson Hole (WY is a nice tax shelter for the uber-rich), in which she spends the minimum time necessary in order to qualify for "state residency". She also has...
  7. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    After 3 hours repeatedly trying all the different methods... and not a hint of progress, I began to feel guilty for depriving tire shops of their livelihood. But the beer was tasty. 🍺
  8. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    Got a new bag of Mail Pouch ready to go... or maybe RedMan if I'm feeling like desert.
  9. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    Great idea!! I was thinking about using a slider but it wasn't a good "corner" like the hitch. I'll definitely try that instead! ....then head to the tire shop. 🤣
  10. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Florida is sounding more and more like a decent place to live these days... never thought I'd say that.
  11. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    Sounds like there is a strong consensus here... Think I'll try the high lift method from Speedy_RCW's suggestion... especially the beer, (gotta try once at least) then pack it all to the tire shop. 😅 Thanks again everyone!
  12. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    Thank you sir! That is a different and more simple tie strap method! I may try that! Hoping to go the DIY route and save a little dough in these tough times. But I'll take them to the tire store if/when I admit defeat. Lol...
  13. sm31

    Breaking the bead on beadlocks

    Need some advice on removing tires from beadlock wheels... After installing tires on beadlocks a few years ago, I'm about to attempt my first swap. I've seen a few methods for breaking the bead on the back of the beadlocks, including: 1) Jumping up and down on the tire while it sits on a 5...
  14. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    This is why we can't have fun things in America, like WRC and megavalanche.
  15. sm31

    “Active” member?

    I don't like it either... but that's because I live in AK and I get jealous with all the wheeling & dropping by & socializing & wrenching & drinking & parts swapping down there in the CA/NV/UT area.
  16. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I told my employer that I identify as a covid victim. Now I get 5 days off for free.
  17. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    ... and that's why we home-schooled all the way up.
  18. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I'm intimidated by her tat...
  19. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Man I wouldn't be surprised if Indiana has TX beat by a fair margin. I was born and lived there for 40 years. Even used to be proud of it. I'm never going back. TX is all pro and no go. It'll be just like CA in a decade. OTOH, Wyoming... that is one interesting place. Got my first CC...
  20. sm31

    Summertime Smoke Season Starts Again 😒

    Lol... they're a bit worse than usual this year. A very dry first half of the summer but rain is headed our way this week (fingers crossed). Fortunately, it hasn't been too bad around Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula. Had a bit of haze a couple of weeks ago but it's been clear for awhile...
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