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  1. sm31

    Back Country Skiing Thread

    Same here Jsouder53! Avalanche training is strange... I did my courses in WY, and did quite a bit of mitigation there (mostly slumps) due to the wind. Lol... but I patrolled here in AK for a couple of seasons (then got burned out on it) & found myself sort of confused a lot of the time. The...
  2. sm31

    Back Country Skiing Thread

    Thanks guys!!! Great advice on the safety gear for sure. Jeeeep, it's never too late to get back at it! I'm no spring chicken for sure. 😅 I have a beacon but I need a probe & shovel too. When I was patrolling I thought about getting an avi pack but never got around to it. I'm not planning...
  3. sm31

    Back Country Skiing Thread

    I'm a long time downhill skier & former ski patroller but I've never given the back country thing a solid try... until now. Although technically I guess I still haven't. Lol... The mountains around here are already covered, so I'm hoping to get my first turns within 2 or 3 weeks. Since I live...
  4. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I'm a registered Libertarian but this kind of thing is just horse shit. We have to protect our children (born and unborn). If we can't or won't then this country deserves everything it has coming to it.
  5. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    The Reno Air Races are on my bucket list... would love to see this beast in person!
  6. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    This is a very big deal. It's not a conspiracy because it's simple math. The census bureau cheated every conservative voter in this country... and very clearly so. It would be interesting to know what previous census "mistakes" looked like.
  7. sm31

    LiPo Jump Starter?

    Sounds good!! If y'all endorse it then I'm buying it. 😅
  8. sm31

    LiPo Jump Starter?

    Thank you sir! For some items, if they work reliably I don't really care where they're made. After all my tough talk, I'm really just a slut sometimes. 😂
  9. sm31

    LiPo Jump Starter?

    Any advice or recommendations on purchasing a lightweight LiPo jump starter? They're all over Amazon for less than $100 but given that they're all Chinese made crap, I'm doubt any of them are actually reliable. Can anyone recommend a reputable brand to check out? Thanks! PS: "Designed in the...
  10. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Geez... bull is strong. Really yanked that SUV out of the mud with that first pull!
  11. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Well damn... too late for me anyhow.
  12. sm31

    Suds of the Day

    Lol... I wish that was the case for me. Would make life easier (and cheaper!).
  13. sm31

    Suds of the Day

    Now that's a beer. I guess I sound snooty but I just can't help it... if it's not from Germany or Belgium, it just doesn't taste good to me. It's not easy for millennials playing in their garage to match what those brewers have been doing for a millennium. 😅
  14. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Lol! Here's another important man rule:
  15. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    That's how it always is. I remember during another hurricane they interviewed some black guy who was pissed because all these church groups, etc. "sent boats" but "BLM didn't send no boats... no nothing". But then, groups like that aren't into being constructive in any way, shape, or form.
  16. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  17. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I like every single one of those things (especially #5) so much that I just had to post it again. 🍺
  18. sm31

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I'm not sure it's even possible to source most of the components state-side these days, although there are some custom steel frame builders still around. The move to mostly carbon fiber has made it more difficult to compete locally but I'd love to see an American CF manufacturer step up & start...
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