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  1. tonytony9

    Upgrading my 2012 JKUR Audio System (Pics of progress)

    Both my amps (only one currently installed) are/will be mounted directly on my subwoofer. Doesn't look the "cleanest" I guess, but makes for easy adjustments and good protection. I am making a little tarp/box thing to throw around the entire unit for when I have the roof down in the summer. So...
  2. tonytony9

    Anyone have idea how big of a lift this is?

    Okay, this is sorta a long shot, but let's give it a try. I see this jeep everyday by my school and I love the height. I think that exact height would look great on my jk. I am going to leave a note on the windshield and see if he can text me what type of lift he has, but can anyone try and...
  3. tonytony9

    Automakers to gearheads: Stop repairing cars

    What I meant to say
  4. tonytony9

    P0430 DTC Code - Catalyst Efficiency

    Hey guys! So about two months ago at 116k miles I got a check engine light. My local tire shop in friendly with and they ran the code and they told me it had to do with the catalytic converter. We came to the conclusion that I was using shitty gas (which I was) and that I should see how it goes...
  5. tonytony9

    Running 2 Amps off one battery

    I have an 08 wrangler unlimited and I am looking to install a 500watt rms mono class d subwoofer and a four channel class d 100 watt per channel amp off my wrangler's battery. Is this going to be too much of a strain for my car or will it cause any problems? Thanks!
  6. tonytony9

    New License Plate Bracket & Vandalism

    Follow the stock wires! That's what I did. Splice into your passenger side brake light wires.
  7. tonytony9


    So I am finally getting around to badly needed upgrading of my stock speakers in my 08 wrangler unlimited x w/o infinity sound system. I have already upgraded the HU awhile back to a much nicer one. The stock HU looks great but just don't have that great of options on it. At least for that...
  8. tonytony9

    Great Way To Remove Plasti Dip!

    Hey Guys! I just wanted to share a quick method of removing plasti dip from rims. This isn't a full blown tutorial just a short thread. I am redoing my spare rim and needed to get the plasti dip off. I didn't put enough layers a few months back so peeling it off was not going to cut it...
  9. tonytony9

    Help me choose a lift!

    So, I really want to get a lift on my rig and I need some advice. I am trying to do this sorta on a budget but let me know what you guys think. I have a 2008 Jeep Wrangler unlimited 3.8l v6 automatic with 295's (about 33inchs) and 1.5 inch wheel spacers. My rig has about 116k miles on it and it...
  10. tonytony9

    Do I have to upgrade my flashcal before first use?

    Topic is my question^. I only have macs at my house and no current access to a pc. I know I can do things like whine bottler and other pc to mac converters but I would rather just hook the flashcal up to a pc then do any conversions. So, is it 100% necessary to update my flashcal before I use...
  11. tonytony9

    Hoods hoods and more hoods!

    Im looking for an upgraded hood for my 08 unlimited . Show me what you got! Preferably in black!
  12. tonytony9

    Newbie off-roading guide

    Anyone ever write a real nice newbie off-roading prep guide? I mean like things you should do the day off/before ect...Prep stuff for the rig.
  13. tonytony9

    New License Plate Bracket & Vandalism

    So, another act of vandalism on my jk... This time it was the license plate bracket being (I am assuming) kicked or pulled off. Cracked the bracket and they bent my license plate in half. So people are honestly just such scum. Luckily a local fire department outside my school loaned me...
  14. tonytony9

    Diesel/Bio-Diesel Conversion?

    Has anyone ever converted their jk unlimited from a 3.8 v6 to some sort of diesel setup? I am interested in the costs and work which would be expected. I am also really curious on the idea of bio-diesel. My current rig is a 2008 wrangler unlimited x 3.8l v6 automatic with 100k miles. Just...
  15. tonytony9

    Front Bumpers! Smittybilt XRC??

    I'm looking to purchase an upgraded front bumper for my 08 unlimited. I do not want to spend a fortune but just trying to get a more aggressive look. I like the price and the look of the smittybilt one listed here: Does anyone have any...
  16. tonytony9

    WIN a Set of NEW Rancho RS5000X Shocks + BONUS!!

    Old picture of my 08. Got the rig as a birthday gift in February of 2014. It has been nothing but a joy and always a pleasure to work on. Have done a decent amount of changes since this picture. But I like this picture too much not to post it!
  17. tonytony9

    Cut Fenders - Legal in NJ?

    Simply the thread topic...will my rig still pass inspection after cutting the fenders and having 1.5inch wheel spacers with 295's?
  18. tonytony9

    Smittybilt XRC Fenders/Armor

    I am looking to get my hands on a pair of these so badly. I absolutely love the look...price is not the best though. Firstly, does anyone know any places to get these a little bit discounted? I am 100% for getting them used as well! Almost prefer it. Second, does anyone have any pictures of...
  19. tonytony9

    Winter is in the Air - Let's See Some Pics!!

    Winter wonderland
  20. tonytony9

    3.5inch Rough Country Lift thoughts?

    So I am considering lifting my jeep, but I really don't have the money to be spending the thousands for a really good one. I was considering the Teraflex one until I saw this one. $500 sounds like a great deal especially since it includes everything needed. Little background: My jeep is a...
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