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  1. DWiggles

    Metalcloak Game-Changer Suspension, 2.5" Fox Edition

    really?! :cheesy: Do you know what it would cost me to upgrade to a high clearance long arm build? Do you know what it would cost YOU?? Yeah... "VERY similar" :crazyeyes: :yawn37: IT couldn't possibly be that I PLANNED my build in stages, with an end goal in mind, and to not waste a ton of...
  2. DWiggles

    Metalcloak Game-Changer Suspension, 2.5" Fox Edition

    When you spent MORE money for an INFERIOR product :doh:
  3. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Here is a side by side of the factory tierod next to the new, MASSIVE WFO Concepts Extreme tierod. Thank you, Exodus Jeeps. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  4. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Went through the jeep and did some maintenance today. Finally got my Johnny joints to take some grease, used Eddie's trick of backing out the zerks a little... and what do you know, they took. Found this little mishap on the passenger rear lower. Not sure how that happened but luckily, I was...
  5. DWiggles

    NEW VIDEO : SIBLING RIVALRY – Moby & Rubicat on the Fordyce Trail

    Awesome video per usual. Awesome to see the difference between 37s and 40s on basically the same suspension setup Its pretty epic. Definitely shows that 40s aren't NEEDED to have some serious fun! sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  6. DWiggles

    MERRY JEEPIN CHRISTMAS from WAYALIFE - Post Up Your Present Pics HERE!

    The wife and I, at the Taj Mahal. Christmas 2017 in the bag! sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  7. DWiggles

    2012+ Exhaust Loop Mod for EVO Long Arm?

    While this is true, it's also false. Haha. The science behind equal length headers is to balance pressure pulses in the exhaust system that are created when the exhaust valves open. This offers more efficient combustion chamber evacuation, and thus, a more efficient engine, both in power, and...
  8. DWiggles

    Tierod and drag link replacement

    Edit: oh, and stock RHD drag link. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  9. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    I did a thing. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  10. DWiggles

    Rockhard Sport Cage Powdercoat Cost?

    I paid $150 for powdercoat. And they did it right. It's flat, "anodized" black. Took about 5 days. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  11. DWiggles

    Synthetic winch rope inspection, cleaning, washing, and maintenance

    I dont criss-cross either, But I do spool under load. using either a tree in the yard, my wife's car, or another jeep if a buddy is over. Once it gets to "criss-crossed" that's when I know its time to clean and re spool.
  12. DWiggles

    Suggestions for a brake bleeder?
  13. DWiggles

    FLEX FRIDAY!! Let's See Pics of your Jeep Twisted Up!!

    Awe Yeah! Its Friday!! :beer:
  14. DWiggles

    Favorite film and most memorable line

    "why dont you guys make like a leaf, and get the fff ffuck outta here" "you and your fucking rope" :cheesy:
  15. DWiggles

    Magnaflow vs. MBRP Exhaust for Crawling....

    Dynomax quiet crawler :thumb: sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  16. DWiggles

    Simple welding cost question

    I will say, the guys at Exodus Jeeps KNOW what they are doing when it comes to welding for SURE! a simple GLANCE at the weld beads on the DTD mounts on "War Pig" speaks volumes! Head over there and have a look! Its just a short shot down I35 for you being in ATX! :yup:
  17. DWiggles

    Jackal01's JKU build

  18. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Well, it's not the CLEANEST fix, but it's sealed and no longer puffin like a diesel like it has been since I did the long arm. Also went a head and threw on the dynomax stuff. Essentially the "quiet crawler" sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  19. DWiggles

    Starting over from scratch with a JKUR, the rise of Tonto

    Alright Kyle... I got you! I needed to work my way up. (I lifted it from the floor) show the wife/or a friend how to lace the ratchet straps, then slowly lift the top up as high as the ratchets will allow. Once there, you hold the top in the corner to be worked on, and have your...
  20. DWiggles

    My Dynomax Quiet Crawler Modified Install

    Finally. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
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