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  1. DWiggles

    Acted like the TYPICAL WAY O LIFE JERK OFF

    :drinks: The Rest of This Thread
  2. DWiggles

    EPIC Campsites : Let's See Yours!!

    This was a pretty sweet spot to watch the sunset. Definitely in my top 5. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  3. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Finally made it out to trees ranch, Awesome place! Thanks to Flat top for the pics! :thumb: Lets do this Benito getting a little close to the body after sliding a bit too far passenger.
  4. DWiggles

    Shop in Houston

    I'm literally a 5 minute walk from Binglewood park :beer: ...Small world indeed...
  5. DWiggles

    Hmm...JK or JL Rubicon

    And That's all I have to say about that
  6. DWiggles

    Shop in Houston

    Brave Motorsports and JSS teamed up the build their KOH rigs the past few years, but I think Christian started doing his own thing as of last year. He is still working on getting Nighthawk back up and running (4400 class). Harvey hit him pretty hard... Javier's is just down the street from me...
  7. DWiggles

    Shop in Houston

    Exodus Jeeps is a vendor here, they are in New Braunfels (about 2 and a half hours West) :yup: Their are a few other shops around, but for aside from 1 (JSS - NOT a vendor here) ...I would stay away. :twocents: Might be better off handling your own wrenching or making friends with the locals...
  8. DWiggles

    EVO Enforcer 4"

    Great info! How many miles? Leather? Nav? :bleh:
  9. DWiggles

    37's, Axles and upgrades

    Tried to shoot you a message. Same is same sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  10. DWiggles

    What do I lower my tire psi to when off roading?

    as little as necessary :idontknow: You want the tire soft enough to conform to the terrain, and provide traction, but still hard enough to keep it on the rim (Purpose of beadlocks), and keep the rim from pinching the tire/hitting the ground. What that magical point is, is going to be different...
  11. DWiggles

    PACIFIC NORTHWEST: The 2014 JK-Experience [4 Part Series]

    Seconded. :cheesy: "new boots" don't work either...
  12. DWiggles

    Current factory wait time?

  13. DWiggles

    King of the Hammers 2018

    DAMN! The pig made the live feed! BADASS!! :clap2: Not to mention, they showed you guys flipping over #26. Great work Guys!! :thumb:
  14. DWiggles

    Torque wrench suggestions

    Checking calibration is easy. you are setting a moment when setting the torque wrench; in hopes of creating clamping force on the fastener you are torquing. You can create that same moment with say, a fixed nut, a weight and some string... all these people arguing about which torque wrench is...
  15. DWiggles

    Help with new fenders. What’s everyone’s thoughts.

    A few bucks for Epoxy >>> Over 7 HUNDRED dollars for MCE's :twocents: :icon_crazy:
  16. DWiggles

    VIDEO : Cooper Tire STT PRO Performance - 2 Years of Testing Out on the Trail

    Maybe add in some shots of "dad" lightly watering of the bushes out front while the kids throw a red Frisbee around in the background with the dog, again talking about family and safety? Then "mom" comes out with a ridiculously cold glass of lemonade, gives it to "dad" they look at the camera...
  17. DWiggles

    VIDEO : Cooper Tire STT PRO Performance - 2 Years of Testing Out on the Trail

    Its too real, too raw. Todays marketing needs to be sensitive, and non offensive. :doh: Someone who doesnt take their jeep off pavement would feel left out. What about the Prius guys? Nah, middle aged, overly happy, average looking interracial couples, talking about safety, then randomly...
  18. DWiggles

    RockHard4x4 Aluminum vs. Steel

    :cheesy: :clap2:
  19. DWiggles

    aTX's Tru WW Evo bolt on coilover build

    I wasn't going to say it, but since you brought it on yourself... BAhaha! Anyway, Sorry for the thread jack :thumb: P.S. I went with 4" coils over 3" coils FOR 1 extra inch of up travel. Just Saying. :idontknow: Didnt quite work out for the rear though. had to add about an inch more bump...
  20. DWiggles

    aTX's Tru WW Evo bolt on coilover build

    I have nothing to contribute. 21k posts?! Where the hell have I been :eek:
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