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  1. DWiggles

    VIDEO : MILD 2 WILD - 2019 JEEP EXPERIENCE at Katemcy Rocks Texas - PART 2

    great to see Texas wheeling getting some exposure, I know we get a lot of bad rap from the taxifornia crowd. K2 and Wolf Caves (share the fenceline) are great places to wheel for sure :thumb: If you are ever a little more south-central Texas, check out Trees Ranch as well, it is a wild game...
  2. DWiggles

    LoD Signature Series Rear Bumper

    Anyone know where/if I can get a replacement swing out tailgate anker for a gen 4 carrier? Looks like I broke the little flange that keeps the swing arm from rattling. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  3. DWiggles

    Best way to dress up your engine

    Pressure washer and simple green sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  4. DWiggles

    VIDEO : ROADSIDE REPAIR - How to FIX an Atlas Shift Lever Rattle

    Nice and easy fix! :thumb: Good to see a JK again :rock: :dont_tell:
  5. DWiggles

    EVO Enforcer to Enforcer Pro conversion question

    I'ed rather have the additional 1.5" droop at the cost of 1" up... those days are long gone for me now though :broke: A shorter shock is well... SHORTER, so you COULD run a 3" bump and have more up travel, but you will LOSE the droop, which negates nearly the entire reason for the rockstar...
  6. DWiggles

    New windshield washer reservoir?

    Here's a better pic now that the washer fluid is (mostly) on the driveway. It looks like there is only 3, very small leaks. Looks like I JUST barely over shot the max I could have sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  7. DWiggles

    New windshield washer reservoir?

    I noticed that my driver side front bypass hose was rubbing on the windshield washer reservoir, so I got the bright idea to try and trim it just a BIT more... well, an 1/16" too close would be better than this right about now... Ok, that looks pretty good now, let's just clean things up a...
  8. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    I noticed that my driver side front bypass hose was rubbing on the windshield washer reservoir, so I got the bright idea to try and trim it just a BIT more... well, an 1/16" too close would be better than this right about now... Ok, that looks pretty good now, let's just clean things up a...
  9. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Thanks, it has been a LONG road in the making for sure! Honestly, Ive been saving for THIS moment since 2012 :wings: :thankyou: AND just for Icing on the cake, we got to shake down everything on the 2018 Exodus trip! Our FIRST time wheeling the new setup, and for the very first time wheeling...
  10. DWiggles

    Trail Raider Photo Diary/Build Thread

    Dzz is finally growing up. Some big changes at Exodus Jeeps: sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  11. DWiggles

    Moab first timer question

    While probably not relevant, I gave it a shot 2 weeks ago. Neither myself nor Benito (on 40s) could get the rear up the first rock. As far as I know, we are the only two who attempted it from the 2018 Exodus. Here are some pics: Bubba (Exodus Jeeps), Tom, Jeff, and Benito scoping out the...
  12. DWiggles

    Torque specs

    This is WHY the torque specs DONT change, regardless of the parts being factory or aftermarket. a 3/4-10 galvanized bolt will always need 130 ft-lbs. regardless if its OEM or aftermarket. control arm bolts utilize OEM hardware on the axles, the threads never change, I.E. the torque spec remains...
  13. DWiggles

    2018 Texas Exodus

    Just saying... 😉 sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  14. DWiggles

    2018 Texas Exodus

    It's been epic so far! Pumped to start the first day in Moab! sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  15. DWiggles

    Greasing Lower Dynatrac ProSteer Ball Joints

    Anyone know what size the zerks are in the control arms (evo) are these it? sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  16. DWiggles

    What are people using to paint their bumpers and fenders?

    NO ONE said bedliner? Why are you using a flat paint? Bedliner will look nearly identical to textured powdercoat :idontknow:
  17. DWiggles

    Got Gunk?

    I just used tire cleaner. It's a trick I learned in the car show days. sent from SPACE! DZZ Build thread
  18. DWiggles

    VIDEO : JL JOURNAL - SANDSTORM / Shredding it Up EVO Style

    OH for sure! and exactly why it would be so interesting to see! JUST how serious this thing is, Just how SERIOUS Evo1 is, and just how badass of a JK Moby is. :thumb:
  19. DWiggles

    VIDEO : JL JOURNAL - SANDSTORM / Shredding it Up EVO Style

    I am also assuming disconnected? :idontknow: but that video had me on the edge of my seat! I really am liking the higher speed stuff. I bet these videos are harder to film than a crawling video, But DAMN i'ed love to see Moby ripping through the desert! Would be cool to see Evo1 and/or Moby vs...
  20. DWiggles

    Strongest skid plates

    Adding to the thread, I too believe in the factory skids. My jeep is a manual, so I opted only for the oil pan skid for piece of mind. But my jeep has never been offroad... :cheesy: :crazyeyes:
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