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  1. Clearskies

    Red rigs gather here...

    Here's a few of My Red Jeep:clap2:
  2. Clearskies

    Moab, Top of the World

    Definitely Picturesque
  3. Clearskies

    February thaw in Moab- The greatest mall on earth.

    I'm so grateful for the people I've met on this forum... So many new good friends. Thank you Casey for including me on this amazing trip. I've been itching to get back since last Easter and to go with you Caleb and Cendee this winter was amazing. The weather turned out awesome too!! You really...
  4. Clearskies

    VIDEO : WAYALIFE NEW YEAR'S KICK OFF RUN - 2 Days of Off Road Fun with Friends

    LOL, I'm already looking forward to 2020's trip :clap2::thumb:
  5. Clearskies

    VIDEO : WAYALIFE NEW YEAR'S KICK OFF RUN - 2 Days of Off Road Fun with Friends

    Really fun. Thanks Eddie and Cindy for putting together another great video...
  6. Clearskies

    Smokers, grills, and the B-B-Qs

    Andouille Sausage I've been craving some good Andouille sausage... So I made some today... MMMMm Smokey, Spicey..... Oh Yeah
  7. Clearskies

    WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run 2019 - SIGN UP

    This is my filter, it also had a prefilter... So much dust
  8. Clearskies

    JL JOURNEY : RECAP 2018 - a Year in Review with the Jeep JL Wrangler

    Happy New Year! Cool vid Eddie... As always.
  9. Clearskies

    Alaska in February

    Hey All, I'm contemplating a trip this February from my home in SoCal to the Yukon Territory then to Anchorage Alaska. I was watching some Youtube vids and one popped up about Jeeping Alaska in the winter and I thought WOW! I want to do this. I'm thinking no more that a couple of hundred...
  10. Clearskies

    WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run 2019 - SIGN UP

    A nice easy 261... Glad it's not today with all the traffic and accidents
  11. Clearskies

    VIDEO : DREAMING of a WAYALIFE White Wheeling Christmas

    Great vid.... Merry Christmas!!
  12. Clearskies

    OEM and some aftermarket for 2016 JKU

    Alright, like a lot of us I've got a bunch of OEM equipment that has been removed as I've upgraded. Suspension, brakes, steering components etc. I've got a set of SmittyBilt bumpers. Since I'm in a somewhat remote area this stuff is kinda hard to sell and I'm at the point of just taking it all...
  13. Clearskies

    Hill Descent Control ??

    I tried it out on a long steep hill in Moab last spring, it was kinda neat. I descended that hill without touching my brake pedal.... Haven't used it since
  14. Clearskies

    Do those Monster Masher tires and 12,000lb. winch get you to the supermarket for Wonderbread?

    Death Valley Adventure I've been going to Death Valley for around 30 years now. First in passenger cars then in Motorhomes and now in my Jeep. It's a vast, beautiful and intimidating place. My most recent trip was just a couple of days ago and my GF Erin and her 3 dogs came along. She made a...
  15. Clearskies

    What's your view like at work?

    My current view.... Off Season...Ahhhhhh
  16. Clearskies

    Build and Adventure thread for "Big Red"

    Very exciting.. I remember when I first got mine, went into a 4x4 shop just to look around and the salesman asked me what my plans were. " I think I'll keep it mostly stock" was my answer. Two years later.. LOL Enjoy!! Great looking Jeep
  17. Clearskies

    Thinking of adding a HAM radio

    Back to the OP... Here's my setup
  18. Clearskies

    Jeep Badge of Honor

    I just got a couple from Moab last April... Last week I requested The Rubicon Badge.
  19. Clearskies

    VIDEO : TRADITION - A Rubicon Trail Adventure in Our Jeep JL Wrangler

    Always enjoy the trail videos. Thanks for another. I'll second BaddestCross sentiments... Having just run the Rubicon for the first time it was really neat to see the obstacles and the amazing beauty we just enjoyed first hand.
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