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  1. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Louver came today. Hard to tell what's in the box Paul helping inspect the contents And not super surprised, the corner is bent. Talked to a guy before in a trip and had the same issue. Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  2. hinrichs

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Took the girl shooting over the weekend, got some cool shots of the toys.
  3. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Synergy tie rod finally installed over the weekend, wondering if I flip it around if it'll sit higher. I installed the low misalignment spacers right away as well, glad I got 2 sets just incase. Also the new draglink went in finally. Hope the boot on that one holds up longer. Finally time for...
  4. hinrichs

    Show us your spiders

    I normally hate spiders, but if they are outside of the house I don't kill them. We have a mutual understanding. This was my garage corner buddy 2 years ago Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  5. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

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  6. hinrichs

    SPOTTED: Any 4X4 other than a Jeep JK/JL Wrangler

    Wanted to get out and really check it out, but all I could tell was it was running Kings all around, and the rears went up through the bed on a raised frame mount. Method wheels as well.
  7. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    No updates, parts still in boxes, just driving to the mall daily Did wash flipper this weekend tho Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  8. hinrichs

    Rausch Creek camping and wheeling June 16-18

    So... after some planning with cozdude and Sheaffadelic we have decided to plan an early summer Rausch Creek trip the weekend of June 16th till the 18th (or however long you would like to hang around) with camping most of the weekend. So for the wheeling we want to possibly run 2 separate groups...
  9. hinrichs

    The build of Wheezy (aka anti-squeakers)

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  10. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Okay now that's just cool ryan I named her Megan Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  11. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Ordered it from extreme terrain, I didn't need it at all, but it really makes the top look nice when it's all folded down. Also think it will be nice to have when I pull the top off completely. Synergy tie rod came in last week, along with the misalignment boot things, too lazy to install it...
  12. hinrichs

    Kill it With Fire

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  13. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Bought my missing nuts today Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  14. hinrichs

    JKU RH Cage

    I know it's from the other side, but i did the same as others and just zip tied the mic up. If you really take your time the upper cover could be trimmed and reinstalled Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  15. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Pic of the soft top boot thing Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  16. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Went to the quadratec jeeps and java with steve over the weekend, always a good time there Dropped the top and finally used the new cover, happy with it. It's from jtops. Gave the jeep a nice bath, forgot to take a pic all foamed up so here is one of my dads grand. Pressure washer was...
  17. hinrichs

    I just got to work tho. So it's been fun.

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  18. hinrichs

    I just got to work tho. So it's been fun.

    I just engineered this so I could park at work Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
  19. hinrichs

    FLEX FRIDAY!! Let's See Pics of your Jeep Twisted Up!!

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  20. hinrichs

    Hinrichs 2.0

    Few pics from the run over the weekend Went out Sunday and bought a new tool which I've been waiting on for too long, nice little electric pressure washer. Also ordered a foam cannon and supposed good soap to wash the jeep better in the future. I repainted a few spots, going to work on...
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