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  1. dcbjk

    FLEX FRIDAY!! Let's See Pics of your Jeep Twisted Up!!

    Tree stump flexing on the farm with D-day
  2. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    So today since I wasn't able to make it to the Suds N Grub I decided to take my wife and D-day to the Airborne and Special Ops museum in Fayetteville, NC Had great really was nice have a small get away enjoy the pics D-day posing in front of the Currahee statue Some nice vehicles...
  3. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Coming into work this morning
  4. dcbjk

    Pulled the doors off for the first time in 2016!

    This morning leaving for work at 0400 with a temp of 47 degrees This afternoon as of right now at 80 something degrees well worth it
  5. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Went and got some more shootin time in today even tested a stainless steel 1911colt that my coworker wanted cleaned out Here are some pics from today hope y'all enjoy Buzzzz D-day posing to some of his friends Crossing the creek see some good wood ducks every now and then Completing the...
  6. dcbjk

    Back up light???

    I think that Hinrich can help you in that single row led idea it's on his build thread I believe Here is a example from his build thread
  7. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well finally decided to take D-day on the farm today to get some shootin time in decided to take some pics enjoy Posing at the strawberry field Binsssss My IMC2 love shootin that thang Chilling at the top of the hill overlooking the farm love this part of the farm gives you time to sit...
  8. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well here are the pics for the installation of D-days sound upgrade it took forever but finished it Sunday night due to a faulty ground Routing the wiring RCA cables routed and bass knob Routing the red wire Mans best routing tool Antenna adapter done On the way to work this...
  9. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Well got everything wired up plugged it in and it works finally gonna finish up tomorrow and take more pics hope y'all enjoy don't mind the messiness of D-day Gotta love all that wiring Will try and take more tomorrow
  10. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Got some work ahead of me tomorrow
  11. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Radio components for D-day can't wait get started
  12. dcbjk

    VIDEO - BILLY BOB : Take a Ride on the Rougher Side of Reno

    Amazing video Eddie and Cindy keep up the good work loved everything about it For that trail to be small like you said it has a lot to offer for obstacles
  13. dcbjk

    Cool Jeeps you've parked by

    Parked beside this nice TJ today while grocery shopping with the wife
  14. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    Hope everybody is having a good Sunday afternoon decided to give D-day some TLC gave him a good cleaning and evening cleaned out the garage a bit don't look so clean but it's the best it can be for now. Here's D-day all cleaned up The reason for getting D-day all cleaned up is I finally...
  15. dcbjk

    Uwharrie opening weekend

    Been following along as things are getting closer I wish I could go with y'all but I'm not gonna make it so scrape a rock or two for me it's gonna be a wet one so looking forward to some pics
  16. dcbjk

    who drives their jeep for a daily driver?

    D-day is my DD 100 miles to work and back but my wife is driving it now and I drive Mazda 3 as it get better mpg
  17. dcbjk

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Dude that is a beautiful colt without a doubt I have a WWI 1911 reproduction as my daily carry love that series 70
  18. dcbjk

    VIDEO - CLIFFHANGER EDGE CLIMB : Rubicat Living Life on the Edge!

    Awesome clip Eddie those STT pros are doing good on rocks
  19. dcbjk

    Uwharrie opening weekend

    Greensboro ain't bad Then there would be a place that would accommodate such us
  20. dcbjk

    dcbjk Build Thread and Picture Diary

    So today me and long time friend of mine went ahead and fitted the box for D-day was going smooth until we looked on the back of the radio and no plugs to accommodate sound system whaaaaatttttttt So when all was said and done I'm gonna have to get another in-dash unit for D-day to accommodate...
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