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  1. Jaybird 11

    JL-EXPERIENCE : REUNION - PART 4 | Cinder Hills to the Grand Canyon

    Another amazing video. They get better all the time. I love how you make it feel like we are kinda on the trip with you. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  2. Jaybird 11

    JL-EXPERIENCE : REUNION - PART 2 | Rock Crawling Fun in Arizona

    Amazing video! Unreal what you guys did with the rancho lift. Nice team work on the recovery on the tactial offroad jeep. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  3. Jaybird 11

    Me and my bro back n day

    Funny how a jeep always ends up in old family pics. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  4. Jaybird 11

    Price for a J10

    A J truck wouldnt be that fun for a trail rig. For that kind of money iv seen some pretty good LJ for sale. That would be more fun on the trail to me. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  5. Jaybird 11

    JL-EXPERIENCE : REUNION - PART 1 | Overlanding Across the Mojave Desert

    As the others have already said its a great video. Its the personal touch you and Cindy add that puts your work way ahead of the others👍 Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  6. Jaybird 11

    New clutch for a 1980 CJ 5

    Coo! Glad it went smooth. Such a neat thing to do for your son! Thank him for his service to this great country! Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  7. Jaybird 11

    New clutch for a 1980 CJ 5

    Shouldnt be a big deal. Transfer case and trans should be light enuff that 2 guys can get them in and out with out a jack. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  8. Jaybird 11

    SPOTTED: Any 4X4 other than a Jeep JK/JL Wrangler

    Here is one to go with it. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  9. Jaybird 11

    Black cj build

    Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  10. Jaybird 11

    Black cj build

    Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  11. Jaybird 11

    Black cj build

    Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  12. Jaybird 11

    Scrambler project

    Sweet waggy! Post some more pics when you can. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  13. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : CALAMITY JANE - New Cooper STT Pros for our Jeep CJ5 Renegade [ BONUS ]

    The new shoes are sweet! Any plans for a full top on her? Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  14. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : TRADITION - A Rubicon Trail Adventure in Our Jeep JL Wrangler

    Love it! You guys are pretty dam good at trail repairs. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  15. Jaybird 11

    JK Fires

    This guy is way to mellow for having his jeep on fire. Makes me wonder to. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  16. Jaybird 11

    Opinions on best Jeep model for a smaller budget

    Dont forget about the xj. They can make a pretty cool daily driver and trail rig. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  17. Jaybird 11

    Jeep dogs!!!

    New gwp jeep dog Cali Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  18. Jaybird 11

    NEW SHOES for CALAMITY JANE - Cooper Discoverer STT Pros

    Looks great! I hope to get my cj to that level some day soon.
  19. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : MOBY MANIA - MOTECH Drone Footage of Our LS WRANGLER Racing Across the Desert

    I love the view you can get from a drone. Moby has to be the most badass jk there is!
  20. Jaybird 11

    Does this look right?

    He prob dropped off his backhoe at the shop on his way there.
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