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  1. Jaybird 11

    POLL : MORE POWER for MOBY - Supercharger or Hot Cam & Headers?

    I dont know how i did a double reply sorry guys.
  2. Jaybird 11

    POLL : MORE POWER for MOBY - Supercharger or Hot Cam & Headers?

    I think all the miles you put on your Jeeps the cam and headers would be more reliable. I think for all the miles you put on your Jeeps the cam and headers would be more reliable.
  3. Jaybird 11

    FULL DISCLOSURE : YES - I do get "FREE" Stuff...

    I think they are the free hat people lol
  4. Jaybird 11

    Random Photos

    Oh yeah! I use to love me some dirt track racing! 2 years of mini stock and 2 years of street stock. Lots of fun and alot of work!
  5. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : So... What did We Buy?

    Kiçk Ass idea! Cant wait to see this build. Love the red. I like the budget idea its some thing i may be able to do in a few years.
  6. Jaybird 11

    What are y’alls predictions?

    That or a wagoneer would fill out their collection nicely.
  7. Jaybird 11

    Mecum Auto Auction

    The step side beds are rare. Fiberglass fenders so not to many around any more.
  8. Jaybird 11

    Mecum Auto Auction

    Its going to make every guy that has a rusty ol piece of crap one like mine think its worth a mint.
  9. Jaybird 11

    Mecum Auto Auction

    Dam! 100,000$. Thats crazy!
  10. Jaybird 11

    What Is Your Favorite Tire For Your Jeep?

    My fav tire is the Nitto trail grappler. Super smooth on the highway and amazing off road. BFG KM2 is close 2nd.
  11. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    It does need alot of love but its all there except the tailgate. I dont know why but the tailgate is almost always miss lol.
  12. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    One of the cleaner ones i have seen around here. Most are beat all to hell.
  13. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    Brian is the guys name. 530 598 8330 is his #.
  14. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    It runs and drives. Pretty sure he has all the paper work. Its near Mt.Shasta CA.
  15. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    More pics.
  16. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    Didnt make it by there today, sorry. Prob will tomorrow.
  17. Jaybird 11

    Didnt get a chance to stop by there for pics today. His # is 530 598 8330. He lives just out...

    Didnt get a chance to stop by there for pics today. His # is 530 598 8330. He lives just out side Mt.Shasta CA. Brian is his name.
  18. Jaybird 11

    I will try and get more pics tomorrow. I have his number at work and will get it to you tomorrow.

    I will try and get more pics tomorrow. I have his number at work and will get it to you tomorrow.
  19. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    I will stop by and get some.
  20. Jaybird 11

    1973 J truck

    Has some surface rust. About like the body.
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