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  1. SilverBack

    Patriotic photos with your Jeep

    In front of the Balkans Nations Support Element United States Forces Kosovo.
  2. SilverBack

    Jeep dogs!!!

    My jeep dog learning how to hunt and having a lot of fun. Even found a hedgehog today!
  3. SilverBack

    Lets see all the 4 doors!

    On one of the infrequent no rain days this year.
  4. SilverBack

    Driver Seat Veiws

    Well just outside of the drivers seat but taken by the driver! A tunnel in Albania. Back in Kosovo after a day at the beach on the Adriatic Sea (Albanian coast).
  5. SilverBack

    Rear Swaybar links

    Not really in need, per say, but would like a set of rear swaybar links off of a 14 or 15 JKUR. I've recently installed a EVO Leveling kit and would like to bring the front sway bar a bit closer to level. I'm not asking for freebies ( though I'd accept) and I'd be willing to pay shipping to an...
  6. SilverBack

    Where did your Jeep take You this Week?

    To a place called Valbona in Albania. Stunning is all I can say! The wife and I explored and did a few river crossings for my birthday then headed back to Pristina, Kosovo.
  7. SilverBack

    Gorilla's super slow Building of SilverBack

    Better photo...
  8. SilverBack

    Gorilla's super slow Building of SilverBack

    Installed the rear spacer of the Leveling kit... Looks much better in my opinion! I know it's not the best photo but you get the idea. The rubi rails are 20.5" off the ground in the rear and 20.1" off the ground in the front. Pretty damn level if you ask me....! What say you?
  9. SilverBack

    Show off your WAYALIFE Decals!

    The wife sporting the Zip-up hoodie. You should make Wayalife Dog Collars.
  10. SilverBack

    Random Photos

    Came into work to a new fountain this morning.....
  11. SilverBack

    Naming your Jeep

    Mine is SilverBack, Jeep is silver and my wife calls me her gorilla. Just works!
  12. SilverBack

    Gorilla's super slow Building of SilverBack

    Added a little swag!
  13. SilverBack

    Show off your WAYALIFE Decals!

    Trying to represent.
  14. SilverBack

    Jeep dogs!!!

    Our pup, Lucky, is growing so much. He loves riding in the Jeep and starts to get excited as soon as we hit anything bumpy because he thinks he'll get to run...!
  15. SilverBack

    Water crossing ... The good and the bad!

    Had some rushing water fun today!
  16. SilverBack

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

  17. SilverBack

    Where did your Jeep take You this Week?

    Exploring in the mountains and valleys of SE Kosovo (near the Serbian and Macedonian borders) with the wife, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and pup. The pup's first encounter with goats... He was like... Those are damn funny looking dogs, man!!!
  18. SilverBack

    What was done to your rig this week?

    Busy day, installed: EVO Protek system Spyder Trax 1.5" wheel spacers EVO Leveling kit (coils only) for now. anyone know how much settling I can expect with the front coils?
  19. SilverBack

    Gorilla's super slow Building of SilverBack

    Installed the coil half of the Evo leveling kit. Will give it a week or so to settle before installing the spacers in the rear.
  20. SilverBack

    Gorilla's super slow Building of SilverBack

    Evo Protek system all mounted and good to go!
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