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  1. Bizcuit


    Powdered the towers semi gloss, then ground the weld areas. Also applied POR15 to all the bare metal. About 3/8 clearance on the passenger side.
  2. Bizcuit


    Clamshell is done. I now have all three links welded and in place. Should be able to get some real measurements tomorrow. Backbone is 3/8, the side walls are 1/4.
  3. Bizcuit


    Here’s the axle end which is also made of 1/4 plate. It needed a relief behind the cylinder for the track bar.
  4. Bizcuit


    Finalized the PSC cylinder mounts. I’m not at all a fan of the cylinder landing in the middle of the tie rod so I anchored it to the TRE. I put a bolt through the cylinder mount and lined up the back edge then tacked it. I then drilled half way through with a bit one size smaller than 3/8 from...
  5. Bizcuit


    Assembled a couple of the tires to start test fitting. They’re sticking out wider than I expected with the 5in backspace.
  6. Bizcuit


    Cross member and LCA brackets back from powder. Here you can see why the shape turned out the way it did on the exhaust side. The flag on the back of the bracket gets drilled after everything is torqued, anchoring it to the top of the cross member. The flange on the bottom of the LCA brkt lines...
  7. Bizcuit


    Not many out there, and I think it fits my needs perfectly. The departure angle on my JK was all I could handle. When I knew we were going to lean in, I would have to decide if I should leave the spare at home. This will be the best of both.
  8. Bizcuit


    Thank you. I’m enjoying it.
  9. Bizcuit


    Appreciate. Down to 96 days.
  10. Bizcuit


    Thanks. I felt like I was taking the easy way out, but there were several benefits, the biggest being the added height. Not sure which one is stronger, but it is going to be a similar look to the rear which also helped make the decision. The rear will be a small compact design because I’ll be...
  11. Bizcuit


    Here’s my next best guess. Because of the boxy design, it achieves the additional height I think is needed. And covers a smaller footprint on the frame, staying away from the old coil area.
  12. Bizcuit


    Working out the kinks of the strut hoops today. Not as happy with these as I thought I would be. The front mount point lines right up with the coil relief in the frame. I could cut it out and replace it with a flat piece, but I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze. I also think I need to...
  13. Bizcuit


  14. Bizcuit


    Thanks. Leaning in the last couple of days.
  15. Bizcuit


    As you can see, I’m going to be running a three link. Bolted them together to keep them from warping while welding.
  16. Bizcuit


    Working on the LCA brackets now. This is the shape required to clear the DPF. I was going to delete just to get more room, but I was able to make them fit.
  17. Bizcuit


    Finished clearing the frame and starting to tack up the crossmember.
  18. Bizcuit


    Bending up the strut hoops now. I printed some ends that I think will look good and simplify the process. I printed them in 5 degree increments to make up the difference in angles on the frame. Once I’ve figured out which ones I need, I’ll machine them out of steel. 5 degrees on the front, and...
  19. Bizcuit


    Got the front axle out to start removing the brackets. The Apex tie rod ends look big, even on the 60. Also cleared the frame of all the brackets.
  20. Bizcuit


    This was an exciting moment.
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