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  1. JAGS

    HighwayTrout's build

    Ah gotcha. I thought racing optics had a custom option.
  2. JAGS

    Fuel Prices

    “Decent” in SoCal comparatively this morning. 🤪 Record profits again for oil/gas companies last qtr in the tens of billions in profits. Greedy bastards.
  3. JAGS

    HighwayTrout's build

    Did you buy this direct from the vendor or through a retailer? What’s this about cutting film to actual size? Do they have an option of buying different sheets.
  4. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Been a minute since I’ve poured this bottle. #taylortuesday
  5. JAGS

    HighwayTrout's build

    that sucks. I wonder if they can fill that with resin so it doesn’t spread in the future? Same. Now’s the time for me as just got new glass.
  6. JAGS

    HighwayTrout's build

    It comes through. Pretty close and much better than what I saw which ended just under the wiper blades.
  7. JAGS

    Suds of the Day

    Grabbed some wings and a hoppy buffalo before weekend errands. It’s a IPA & Stout black and tan style.
  8. JAGS

    WAYALIFE on the GO : Miscellaneous Photos from Cindy & Eddie!

    That is wild. No pun intended. More wild to think mama isn’t too far away. 😬
  9. JAGS

    Need Help! Anyone familiar with this connector?

    Damn. Thought I had a chance. lol. Crazy connector for sub. Never seen something like that.
  10. JAGS

    Need Help! Anyone familiar with this connector?

    Seeing location of that, I think that is the connector for the hard top wiper/spray.
  11. JAGS

    HighwayTrout's build

    Do you mind taking pics of the edges? Or just curious if 1/8 all the way around. When I saw this at the Jeep show there was a good 1.5-two inches on the bottom of their Jk. Just replaced my glass (again) and thinking if ordering.
  12. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Little nightcap.
  13. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Nice. I’ve been wanting to get a bottle as well. Good memories from the trip.
  14. JAGS

    Next Generation JL for JAGS

    If you knew me with my JK, this pic is kind of a big deal. lol. Only because I don’t generally wrench on my Jeep. But I needed to address my toe. Got things dialed in and torqued up. 👍 Borrowed my friends jack and jack stands which was critical. Pic is the beginning of the process. Special...
  15. JAGS

    BANDIT - 2023 Jeep JT Gladiator Rubicon

    Looks great. Love the stance.
  16. JAGS

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    That should cover the first round. Ha ha
  17. JAGS

    Wheel & tire combo

    I’m running the 3.5 with 37s and saw the slightest bit of rubbing on the top of the inner fender. My 37 tuck into the wheel well on articulation and your 40s may rub on the outer edge. At minimum you may want/need to run without the inner fender liner for slightly more clearance. ^^ Others have...
  18. JAGS

    BANDIT - 2023 Jeep JT Gladiator Rubicon

    I’m far from an expert, but with my limited knowledge of researching for my JL, this is also the case with the JL EVO stage 3 lift. One of the reasons I went with EVO was not “having” to replace driveshafts with my stage 3. What I didn’t understand was why this is the case so thanks for the...
  19. JAGS

    BANDIT - 2023 Jeep JT Gladiator Rubicon

    So burn out vids in the future. 🤘 Ha Ha.
  20. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Let’s go! No time to puss out now. Ha ha. Here’s the next pour and we going a bit bigger. New bottle opening, even though I’ve had it a while. Store pic from AZ. Taste is great and it’s got some heat. 🥃🥃🥃
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