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  1. JAGS

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Zion is a beautiful place. Glad you got to explore.
  2. JAGS

    VIDEO : RE-GEARING Your Jeep & Everything You Need to Know About It

    I know this old stuff by now but just got a chance to watch the full vid last night. Wholly shit that was thorough. I knew it wasn’t easy but had no idea just how much a process it was. Thank for sharing. And nice work Jeremy and Chad.
  3. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Thought it was a snoop blunt. lol.
  4. JAGS

    VIDEO : RE-GEARING Your Jeep & Everything You Need to Know About It

    Just sitting down after dinner and haven’t watched the vid yet. But add another happy customer right here of Disciple and the team Jeremy has put together. Installed 4.88s in my JL as well as a bunch of other stuff. Look forward to watching the vid later.
  5. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Appreciate the honestly. Doesn’t sound worth the investment. Especially with so many other s still to buy. Ha ha.
  6. JAGS

    Watcha cookin'?

    Surf and turf. Grilled up some salmon and tri-tip steak with a zucc.
  7. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Well, I missed out on the sale of a birthday bourbon bottle by about 20 minutes. So to drown my sorrows, opened this guy up I’ve had for a while. Never had it before. Good rye with just a bit of heat.
  8. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    I don’t currently have any of these as part of collection. Just curious if my fellow connoisseurs feel any of these are a must have/try?
  9. JAGS

    Hitch Stinger

  10. JAGS

    WAYALIFE on the GO : Miscellaneous Photos from Cindy & Eddie!

    You’re having a better day/week than me. Maybe I need to consume a little happy juice. 🥃🥃 Cheers to you guys.
  11. JAGS

    CEN-CAL Suds-n-Grub : Friday, September 13th @ 5:30 pm

    Practically drove right near Fresno on way to Santa Cruz. Unfortunately a few hrs earlier than you all were there. Wish we could have joined for a cold one. 😎🍻🍺
  12. JAGS

    What did Brown Santa show up with today..

    Santa did you a solid on that one. 🥃🥃
  13. JAGS

    Let’s See How Smoky it is Near You

    It’s getting crazy in SoCal. Fires on three side of me now. The latest “airport” fire started yesterday while at work. Has since made its way to the top and threatening lake Elsinore area on the other side.
  14. JAGS

    Jeep Bash September 7th Bolsa Chica

    Nice to see all the pics. 😎 Wanted to get down there. Big work event tomorrow and a short week next week so had to put some time in the office today. 😫
  15. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Decided to have the rye as well as just couldn’t not open both bottles. Flavor is great and bit more heat than many ryes I’ve had.
  16. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Started a bit of a tradition/excuse a couple years back to pick up a new bottle when taking my kids to college each year. With my son at ASU, there’s a cool liquor store in Scottsdale called Trevor’s. Have found some great barrel picks. A couple weeks ago, picked up two new bottles. One barrel...
  17. JAGS


    Awesome job on the vid Cindy and Eddie. You guys always seem to capture the true essence of these trips and it’s great to relive the great times. Also will add that the soundtrack was great! Great job!! Look forward already to the next Whiskey Wanderlust Epic Adventure. 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃
  18. JAGS

    Suds of the Day

    Tropical Hopstorm while I wait for my to-go. Love this beer and glad it’s back on the seasonal option.
  19. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    As I’ve made “tradition.” I pick up a souvenir bottle whenever my kids start/end there college year. Here’s my pick from this year’s Santa Cruz year end find. Ran by Costco for some other condo supplies and what luck! Heard good things so grabbed a bottle. Great deal I will add. Damn…this is...
  20. JAGS

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Just a little more camber and you’re there!!
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