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  1. JAGS

    Fire in California

    Saw this same report. I personally appreciated her stating how it is. The fact she can document a report provided last year shifts focus to LAC and LAC council. From other things I read over the last 24-48 hrs, this chief is actually holding a great resume and longevity in the force.
  2. JAGS

    Dash Electronics FLIPPING OUT on Our Jeep Gladiator

    Up. Up. Down. Down. R. L. R. L. X. Oh wait, that was extra lives in Mario brothers. 🤪
  3. JAGS

    Fire in California

    Death toll is climbing as access to neighborhoods is available and families start to come forward. Also supposedly one transient in custody for arson for one of the fires (Kenneth fire). Guy (edit I guess it’s a female in custody) won’t be homeless much longer. Should get the death penalty...
  4. JAGS

    Fire in California

    Had to jump on a work call. Just realized my typo 😬…. I “can’t” confirm any of these started these.
  5. JAGS

    Fire in California

    Hard to watch the devastation on the news, though there has been reports/video of sparking wires from the winds. And also some footage of asshats kids setting dumpster and tree fires. Can confirm either started any of these.
  6. JAGS

    Fire in California

    I think dukes is still there though?? Earlier it was staging area for LAFD. But I haven’t watched the news much today till I just turned it on. Been following fires on the watch duty app and my cousin is area director for Red Cross in the fire areas.
  7. JAGS

    Fire in California

    Echo this 1000%. Heartbreaking is an understatement. Spent my life here as well and countless coastal drives when I was a kids and countless coastal drives with my own kids. That part of the Bu and into ventura county and up to Santa Barbara is some of the best.
  8. JAGS

    Jeep Accident in Colorado - Roll cage discussion

    Where your seat belts kids. And don’t drive drunk or tired. Rings true every time, every vehicle. Feel bad for those kids!!
  9. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Right! We already know certain shit ain’t good for us. But what is life without a vice or three or four. 🥃🥃
  10. JAGS


    Cheers to you all. Wishing I could join the fun. Look forward to pic updates. 😎
  11. JAGS


    Ha ha. Great idea. For all us who can’t make it we can have a “shots for fun” thread. 🤣
  12. JAGS

    HAPPY 2025

    Happy New Year. 🎉
  13. JAGS

    Trail JK and HeyitsRay giving a wave 👋🏻

    What’s up, again, guys. 😎 Not as many of us SoCal folks as there used to be. Those of us who are still around should try to hit some dirt.
  14. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Not exactly whiskey. But this is the closest thread. Only available from the tasting room Puerto Rico. Lucky for me, my mom and sister were there for a work convention about six months ago. They surprised me with this gift. I haven’t tasted it yet as just getting over a Xmas night stomach flu.
  15. JAGS

    Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

    I have two in college. Tell me about that shit. Ha ha.
  16. JAGS

    Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

    Main store prices are insane. If you know what you want and size, check out Amazon. Often have better prices, free shipping and free returns with prime.
  17. JAGS


    Hey ray! Been a long time. Unfortunately I can’t make this run. Hope to catch you on another one soon. 🤙😎
  18. JAGS

    VIDEO : Dash Going Crazy on Our Jeep Gladiator

    I was thinking this too. Totally different but on my JK the light would show out when the heat sensor/shield blew out. Maybe the aftermarket has something built in that went out/loose with the bombing. Still wouldn’t explain everything else though. Bizarre and hopefully you find a fix!
  19. JAGS

    Whiskey of the Day

    Wrapped some gifts last night. This made it much better.
  20. JAGS

    VIDEO : HOW TO Replace the Main & Auxiliary Battery on a JL Wrangler / JT Gladiator

    I was too nervous to F with the fuse box. I used Eddie’s write up for 95% but I went through the wheel well/fender removal to access the aux battery. Cost me a bag of fender clips, but was pretty easy.
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