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  1. L

    French owned, Portuguese driven, Stellantis is killing Jeep etc...

    Its HARD not to hate Stellantis. It's amazing to me a huge company can be so STUPID. They should have figured out months ago their CEO (Tavares) needs TO GO. AS long as they own Jeep - I will NEVER, EVER buy another Jeep again. I think they are holding out because out of all the brands they...
  2. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    OK, good to know. I certainly did not mean Motech was doing anything wrong.
  3. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I thought I read somewhere you can't put another brands engine package in a passenger vehicle built after 2015 (Ex: GM engine into a Jeep) Hopw does Motech get around this?
  4. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I appreciate your reply, but AGAIN the $30K + IS JUST FOR THE ENGINE and tranny if needed - not including labor! For example: AMW 4x4 charges $56,495 for a 707 Hemi engine, (NOT) including 65 hours for install. NONE of their conversion prices include labor
  5. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I appreciate the replies. The "Hemi" is just cool to have in a Jeep in my opinion. I've sort of looked at LT swaps, Motech especially but their website doesn't have alot of info at all. Since I live in Vegas I can easily drive to them and get some good info.
  6. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I'm just exploring options here and the internet is a good start. I prefer first hand knowledge, but I don't know alot of Jeep owners, so I come here to get info from you guys because I believe people here provide real world knowledge and experience. This is my first Jeep, so I have alot to...
  7. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    Majority of shops on the internet charge like $55K+ for a (707hp) Hellcat Hemi......withOUT labor. (Mopar sells the same engine and accessories for $23K) For example - AMW 4x4 charges $56,495 for the same engine with tranny, and additionally the install labor is 65 hours (NOT a typo) they also...
  8. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I didn't even ask about labor, since I checked like 4+ sources and they all seem to quote conversion prices EXCLUDING labor.
  9. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I don't need 700 hp - I was just merely looking at the costs. My truck isn't my daily driver, so too much HP isn't my concern- cost is my concern. I got my doors blown off by a Ford Raptor a few weeks ago. I wasn't trying to race him, but it wasn't a race. I would love to surprize him and blow...
  10. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    I get it, there's a "cost" for their expertise, but like $30K? You didn't see that in my OP I said excluding labor. The $55K is excluding labor.
  11. L

    Hemi Conversion questions

    Im just curious why so expensive to do an engine conversion? I'm just talking about the engine swap, not any extras like suspension, lift, brakes, etc because those choices can vary wildly in price. When I was just "looking" around a typical shop charges around $55,000 for the 6.2L SC Hemi...
  12. L

    Wheels with Sting Ray Color Gladiator

    I only have this shot, but you can see the Black Rhino Abrams wheel looks pretty good. Its not a perfect match, but really looks good with Stingrey
  13. L

    new '23 JT upgrades

    The new KMC 549 wheels look awesome! - they look just like the KMC Grenade, but they arent real beadlocks. Was hoping to see the machined wheel with black (fake) beadlock in black on some Gladiators soon!! I'm not sure I'm sold on the machined part of the wheel. On the grenade, I like the...
  14. L

    How Much front bumper weight is significant?

    Understood and I did NOT take any of your comments negatively. Appreciate all the comments and help.
  15. L

    How Much front bumper weight is significant?

    Just to clarify, alot of reading I've been doing to learn, never had a Jeep before. Unfortunately the internet is mostly my source of info. Alot of reading I've done people keep saying like 8lbs less per wheels "rolling mass" is a significant difference. (not my opinion, I do not know) I...
  16. L

    How Much front bumper weight is significant?

    ok, I appreciate your reply! I'll get the aluminum
  17. L

    How Much front bumper weight is significant?

    I'm not sure I am overthinking it - since you really didn't explain anything. the reason I asked is because tire/wheel combo weights seem to matter alot, like changing the combo and saving 8lbs per wheel. (whatever the weight) I'm just wondering if same applies to front bumper weight.
  18. L

    new '23 JT upgrades

    Looking forward to seeing it all done
  19. L

    If you had a "do-over"

    If I had to do it over, I'd probably get a Gladiator with the diesel. Banks also makes some nice upgrades for this engine to have more power for more weight and big tires. ALL the other options, typically engine wise the price goes up significantly
  20. L

    How Much front bumper weight is significant?

    I currently have a stubby bumper that weighs about 86lbs. Was looking at changing to an EVO 1/4 pounder (thanks Wayalife!!) and according to EVO, the steel bumper is 70lbs and the aluminum one is 40lbs. The aluminum is only $287, but really how much difference can the 30lbs make? I realize more...
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