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  1. B

    Sector Shaft 42mm Socket Problem

    Appreciate the honesty. I’ve thought the same for my current application.
  2. B

    Sector Shaft 42mm Socket Problem

    Kk thanks. Had to ask, ya know. Been out of the game for a little while but happy to be back. If I still have troubles after I put the axles at 6 degrees, then heavy duty ball joints it will be.
  3. B

    Sector Shaft 42mm Socket Problem

    I did switch to a TeraFlex 9550 or whatever stabilizer the same time the recall hit. Still had problems and put the factory replacement stabilizer back on for testing theory and it actually performed better which was weird to me. But I am on the hunt for an upgrade. Having troubles deciding if a...
  4. B

    Sector Shaft 42mm Socket Problem

    It’s a 6-point and BFH did the trick. Pain in the ass, but worked. Thanks everyone for the replies. Side question cause I’m slowly chipping away at this death wobble. How do I check to see if my front axle is even? I installed the adjustable tie rod/drag link a year after the adjustable front...
  5. B

    Sector Shaft 42mm Socket Problem

    Hey All, 2019 JLU: Trying to remove the sector shaft nut so I can install the sector shaft brace and no socket will fit the nut. I bought a Sunex 42mm socket (before I saw Eddie’s video with product links) and the socket will not slide all the way up. Just barely fits on the bottom of the nut...
  6. B

    Electrical Pop sound when trying to start

    UPDATE: Changed out the main battery (aux was still good) and that stopped the popping sound when starting. But now it’s throwing an EVAP code P0546 I think. It’s not the gas cap so I need to get a smoke test done. Some websites say I’ll need to flash my PCM but that’s $150-$200. Don’t see the...
  7. B

    Electrical Pop sound when trying to start

    Checking the batteries here in a minute to see if that was the issue (was able to jump start). But hearing how loud that pop was, does have me worried about loose grounding connections. Which I will be checking.
  8. B

    Electrical Pop sound when trying to start

    I was able to jump start it, so seems to be a battery issue in general. Going to get the batteries tested to verify. If it is only the batteries, I’ll be surprised because I’m used to the traditional dead battery sound. Not the loud pop that we experienced.
  9. B

    Electrical Pop sound when trying to start

    Hey All, My wife’s ‘19 JLU e-Torque 2.0 made a loud electrical pop (as if I’m touching live wires together) when pressing the start button this morning. Of course it wouldn’t turn over, but acted as if I just had it in the Run position. The wife said her remote start didn’t work yesterday...
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    Hello from Texas

    Been a Jeeper most of my life and plan to still be. At 13/14yrs old I taught myself how to drive a manual in my brothers run down 91 wrangler around our 15 acres on Sundays cause I would play sick from church. That same Jeep eventually became mine for 4 years. Then owned a 2012 JK for 4 years...
  11. B

    WK2 Quadra Trac1 Transfer Case Fluid

    Any idea what is equivalent to ATF 3353? I’m having trouble understanding what is what or if the online search “suggestions” are correct. Also, should I try to flush my transmission at 165k miles or just be easy on it until it blows? Starting to get hard shifts that are very very seldom. Could...
  12. B

    Ground Courtesy Lights When Doors Open

    Noob posting here: I’ve been trying to find instructions/information on how to wire ground courtesy lights on my wife’s JLU Sahara when she opens the door (and shuts off immediately or in a short time after door closing). Any info provided will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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