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    CB Radio

    Lincoln II overhead. I went with this mount as want to put up 2 radios piggy backed and have some other components as well. still a work in progress. went with fender mounting a firestick using their fire ring. trying to do as much bonding as possible with copper strap. ultimately would...

    Aloha :D Newbie attempts

    Not exactly the rubicon trail but hey, I don't even have license plates yet! This is like my 2nd time taking the road less traveled and I love it. Hope you enjoy seeing a part of our island that many miss too. New at this so split it up into 3 parts. We go! Part 1...

    My spare tire winch setup

    :rock:2 3 4 10

    Avatar test

    what the heck the file is 199 x 199 and size less than 19kb test test

    ? adjusting dash readout

    Is there a way to adjust the mpg readout to more accurately reflect mileage? I was all happy to be seeing 20+ mpg until I did the hand calculation and it was actually mid 16's combined which is pretty decent IMO I just want the dash to say it too. I do plan on getting something once get my...

    /shaka from Honolulu, HI (is how we do it sometimes!)

    Aloha wayalifers! Short time lurker and not much longer time owner of a brand spankin' new Unlimited Sport S XYZ model :D Pretty sure seen some of you guys out Kaena already, I was the guy going realllll slow and avoiding mud puddles LOL (freaked out wife syndrome)(have since put on grab...
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