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  1. jesse3638

    Old School Cool

    Those things were awesome!
  2. jesse3638

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    I went to a WAL suds n grub years ago in my wife's Nissan Rogue...haha. In my defense I had a broken leg at the time and my Jeep is a stick.
  3. jesse3638

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Definitely want to make the next one. They are so much fun. Great people and great places
  4. jesse3638


    Looks like mine I got today.
  5. jesse3638

    Random Photos

    Yeah I left it to see what happens. My plants send out tons of runners so I've got new plants all over from those...haha. Nope and don't really plan to. I do know this area sits adjacent to an area where they did bombing practice during WWII. They used dummy rounds though.
  6. jesse3638

    Random Photos

    Never seen a Strawberry start to germinate like this. Was picking a few in my garden when I came across this one.
  7. jesse3638

    Desert Tortoise

    Yeah they don't mention the 100'000s of acres of habitat destroyed by the construction of "green" energy power plants (solar and wind farms).
  8. jesse3638

    Desert Tortoise

    Well the Mojave desert tortoise has officially been listed as endangered. Let's see how that affects our ability to use public lands in the coming years. Here's an article from my local paper. Mojave Desert Tortoise Listed as Endangered Species
  9. jesse3638

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Yeah I agree. Love how the first guy with an extinguisher tries to put out the fire on the ground and his back pack. Never mind the guy laying there on fire. Either way he proved nothing
  10. jesse3638

    Desert Tortoise

    That's what he said!
  11. jesse3638

    Desert Tortoise

    Sucks it got hit. I've watched people hit full size semi retreads so a small semi-camoflauged animal doesn't stand a chance. I've come across them a few times while in the desert during spring or after a summer Thunder storm. They are so cool.
  12. jesse3638

    SPOTTED: Any 4X4 other than a Jeep JK/JL Wrangler

    Reminds me of this guy met at KOH. He races this thing and just did the Mint 400. IIRC he bought of from his grandma...haha
  13. jesse3638


    It was suggested that I get starlink if I wanted to accept CC's while vending at KOH. I looked into it but just couldn't justify the cost and the few times a year I might use it. That being said a lot of the racecars had it mounted to their roofs. It was cool be cause they'd use it to send real...
  14. jesse3638

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  15. jesse3638

    Thank you

    Welcome from the Vail Lake KOA!
  16. jesse3638

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Man this is an epic trip for sure. So bummed we couldn't make it.
  17. jesse3638

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Looks like a blast!
  18. jesse3638

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Was going to ask whos shoulders he's on...haha
  19. jesse3638

    WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust

    Happy Easter everyone!
  20. jesse3638

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Follow my thread on using a chamois to dry your wheels.
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