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  1. Sharkey

    EPIC Campsites : Let's See Yours!!

    Not going to say where it was, but it was beautiful and we didn’t see another human for four days.
  2. Sharkey

    Show off your tattoos

    Five long hours in the chair, but I’m very happy with the outcome.
  3. Sharkey

    Banks/Money Managment

    But it’s so much more fun to just spread bullshit that pops up on the interwebs. I never ceased to be amazed, rather, frightened, by the shit I hear and read people passing along as if it were true.
  4. Sharkey

    How are you guys doing?

    My use of the word “retirement” does not mean no longer working. I can’t imagine ever not having gainful employment of some kind. I just meant that I might retire from the hard stuff. ;)
  5. Sharkey

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Did some research and found out this is the second year in a row that TNF had a pride campaign with rainbow colors. Prolly slipped under the radar because it wasn’t a transtestical campaign.
  6. Sharkey

    AEV Rear Bumper

    Here we go… Thank you for just trying to be helpful. Perhaps you can scour the internet and find every install video that Eddie has NOT done and put a link on Eddie’s forum to that video. Hell, maybe you could just provide direct links to any other forums out there in which someone has...
  7. Sharkey

    How are you guys doing?

    Any bank that refused to give me my money would quickly not be my bank anymore. That said, I absolutely understand restrictions on the dollar amount of cash withdrawals without advanced notice, especially at smaller branches.
  8. Sharkey

    AEV Rear Bumper

    Kind of a douche move to link somebody else’s YouTube channel onto this forum, don’t you think? It’s a bit like me coming into to your place of work and holding up some advertising for your competitor.
  9. Sharkey

    Epic Snow = Big Time Flooding

    ‘97/‘98 was brutal due to a Pineapple Express. I lost everything I owned (had it in a storage unit by the airport while I was in Chile.)
  10. Sharkey

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    There is NF store in downtown Boise. I’ll be very interested to see how they play this.
  11. Sharkey

    Flop (Now what?)

    I’m blown away that someone would lack the intellectual aptitude to realize that starting a thread like this might not be such a good idea. Overlander calls it like he sees it and is right about 99% of the time. From my seat, calling an idiot and idiot doesn’t make you an asshole…it just...
  12. Sharkey

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    So two gangs shot each other up but they happened to be in side by sides? Unless I misread the article…good…I’m glad they are offing each other. The headline makes it seem like a bunch of innocent Baja off road racers were suddenly killed; the body reads much differently.
  13. Sharkey

    Any known parasitic draws on 2020 Gladiator?

    That Gen 3 system looks cool and I sincerely hope it works as advertised. The original system was a bust though…there is no getting around it.
  14. Sharkey

    How do you interpret these?

    Layaway is still a thing? ;) The older invoice doesn’t say anything about lifetime rebalance. It says you purchase 4 (presumably tires) spin balance specials, and then notes 1 Free Rotation and Rebalance. Presumably, that means 1 R & R for the entire set of 4 tires, but the receipt is not...
  15. Sharkey

    N.E. California Earthquake

    That’s called old age my friend.
  16. Sharkey

    FRIDAY #SHORTS : Racing a Mustang Across the Desert

    So cool. Unfortunately, one gets killed by a car every few months or so on the southeast side of Reno. They are damn near impossible to see at night and they come down out of the mountains to munch on the residential lawns.
  17. Sharkey

    N.E. California Earthquake

    Felt it in south Reno. Tv even wobbled.
  18. Sharkey

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Pretty sure that was because of federal government handouts to the tech industry during Covid. :(
  19. Sharkey

    Random Photos

    It’s a donkey that identifies as a zebra…otherwise known as a transzebra.
  20. Sharkey

    How are you guys doing?

    FedEx is a partial barometer, but not nearly a complete one. Last mile delivery is changing quickly and powerhouses like Amazon and WalMart can easily impact the market in a variety of ways. Last mile drone delivery is growing at a rate that I would have never thought possible even a few years...
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