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  1. p38

    Pictures of any four doors on 37s

    Here's the 37's on my jeep - Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ
  2. p38

    Here's my old 1953 M38A1

    This is my 1953 M38A1 as it looked 2 years ago This what it looks like now.
  3. p38

    Hello from Napa Valley

    Just joined, here's a shot of my jeep - 1953 M38A1, with a few upgrades. I posted a before and after shot on pics and videos. Only recently on the road. I've only had it off-road once since the rebuild. Took it to Markleyville and did a day trip from there. Performed great. Looking forward...
  4. p38

    My 1953 M38A1 - after the rebuild

    Here's a picture before the rebuild. This was right after it had popped of second. She asked if it would be hard to fix, I said, "no dear - swap the tranny and we're good to go".
  5. p38

    My 1953 M38A1 - after the rebuild

    This is a picture of my 1953 M38A1 which I have owned since high school - a long time ago. Two years ago I pulled it out of a shed at my parent's and took my wife for a ride. It popped out of second gear on a downhill and scared her. She said, "you've got to fix that", I said, "yes dear".
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