It's not. If you have to contort your body into odd positions to sleep without disturbing Ripley, you should feel lucky she gives you any room at all.How can this be comfortable??
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Was that one of those indestructible dog toys?
indestructable lol, that just means itll last about 2 minsWas that one of those indestructible dog toys?
Major the Jeep GSDToday I found out my dog is some what of a jeep dog!! I was so proud of himthis is a pic of him
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View attachment 31476
He's such a goof ball at times but that's why I love him! My other dog he's not so much of a jeep dog.
my dog used to do the same thing, try to go swimming in her water bowl.If you're wondering why we keep Minerva's water dish is on top of a cabinet
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I’ll tell ya. When her dish is on the floor, she digs in it, getting water everywhere. With the dish on the cabinet, she doesn’t dig. Maybe we’ll try her dish on the floor again to see if she’s grown out of that, but I’m certain that will lead to mopping.