Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Of course that's possible. Do you think a single Democrat in government really had respect for biden or thought he had any business being president? I think they all wanted him there because he was dumb and they could get away with whatever they wanted. Same people that had him do the pardons.

Totally agree!
The Blob/Swamp Creatures/Perma Party/Uni Party individuals will never pass up an opportunity to enrich themselves and increase their power. A mush-brain like Biden is the perfect sock puppet for them.
Some perspective on Ukraine. Lots of emotions but not much logical perspective in the media.


(More from the article)

I get all that. I do. But after three bloody, costly, futile years, I have questions for those of you who demand “more of the same,” starting with these…

  1. What is your definition of victory?
  2. What’s your strategy for victory?
  3. When will this victory be achieved?
  4. We’re already three years in. When I look at the map of the back and forth of territorial gains and losses in Ukraine, I’m reminded of the trench warfare during World War I. Thousands of young men, an entire generation dying in a war of inches. If nothing changes, how long are you willing to demand this continues? Give me your time limit. Five more years? Ten more years? Tell us when you will say this war has gone on too long.
  5. How much money should the U.S. pour into this war? We’re already about $200 billion in, much of it unaccounted for. Tell us what dollar amount will be too much for you.
  6. What are the downsides of a peace deal?
  7. Have you considered the fact that a peace deal might leave Ukraine with more land than if the war continues or Ukraine loses?
  8. If all our previous aid packages didn’t make a difference, what makes you believe the next one will?
  9. Why are you really okay with Zelensky outlawing 11 opposition parties and canceling a presidential election? A war is no excuse. Abraham Lincoln stood for reelection in the middle of a much worse situation: a civil war. Lincoln also believed he would lose. Must we destroy democracy to save democracy?
  10. If Trump is so pro-Putin, why doesn’t he pull our support from Ukraine and walk away, Enjoy your war, pal. Instead, he’s risking political capital to get a peace deal.
  11. When did y’all — especially those on the left — begin to oppose the pursuit of peace?
Say what you want about Trump, he’s making his case for why this war must end now in a peace deal.

All I hear from the other side is some version of “more of the same” … and “more of the same” is unacceptable.

Make your case. Let’s hear it.
That is almost awesome… he didn’t break it down in “kidneygarton” analogies and terms they could understand. What the video doesn’t show, and i’m assuming here, is that none of them had an epiphany of understanding after that and simply dropped their stupid taking point and let him walk out. But but but Elon wasn’t elected! Reeeeeeeeeee!!
Nah i'm good, just keep up the winning and pay down that national debt.
I keep seeing this sentiment. While it is noteworthy, I feel as though the tariffs should be used to repay the national debt. Remember, we now have the ERS. The people deserve the taxes that went to things we didn't sign up for back.
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