Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

With the necessary and long overdue cuts to the bloated bureaucracy everyone is going to feel a little pain. Everyone. However like working out we will be stronger in the end. Of course some individuals will not want to sacrifice one tiny bit- those individuals are starting to squeal like hungry little pigs.

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Anyone crying or disagreeing with what Elon is doing is either in on it or part of the problem with our country. And there are a LOT!
With the necessary and long overdue cuts to the bloated bureaucracy everyone is going to feel a little pain. Everyone. However like working out we will be stronger in the end. Of course some individuals will not want to sacrifice one tiny bit- those individuals are starting to squeal like hungry little pigs.

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I wondered how long it would take for some of the piggies to start squealing.....
With the necessary and long overdue cuts to the bloated bureaucracy everyone is going to feel a little pain. Everyone. However like working out we will be stronger in the end. Of course some individuals will not want to sacrifice one tiny bit- those individuals are starting to squeal like hungry little pigs.

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all those that have their hand in the cookie jar are in a panic over their own waste because you know, "it's only .1% of the trillion-dollar heist"
This shit just keeps on piling on. It is a goddam travesty how much of OUR money is being wasted by these fucking agencies like it's monopoly money. Tear this shit down. We should all get at least 5 years tax free for this bullshit

All the cries and fear mongering over social security running out of funds and yet here is some proof of waste and no one thought "hey, let's do an independent audit" because it's become clear the agency (OIG) that is supposed to be in charge of this is completely inept or were instructed to "look the other way" as illegals filed by the millions for benefits.

Questions I'd like answered, how long and when did the outliers like 150-year-olds begin collecting SS, when did the numbers of outliers increase to these levels? I'm going out on a limb and say every time democrats were in charge and opened the flood gates to illegals, there was a jump in undisclosed SS benefits.

How many lawyers helped illegals file for SS benefits?

So much for the OIG, there should be independent audits once a year.

The Office of Audit conducts comprehensive financial, information technology, and performance audits of SSA’s programs and operations. These audits identify opportunities for improvement and recommend corrective action to shape change in SSA programs and operations, leading to increased efficiency and greater effectiveness. Audit work is performed in accordance with government auditing standards, as appropriate. The Office also conducts short-term management and program reviews focused on issues of concern to SSA, Congress, and the public
Man, I am so glad that the orange man bad is not giving in to the yellow blue flag BS
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This idea that no country would dare hold an election during a war is insane. So Americans vote during a civil war but Ukraine can't because of Russia Russia Russia or something. An election wouldn't change my mind about any of this anyway but the mental gymnastics these idiots have to do is crazy.
Man, I am so glad that the orange man bad is not giving in to the yellow blue flag BS
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This whole UKR fiasco is the intersection of greed, Neocon ideology, and very bad intell.

The Neocons wanted to depose Putin. The intelligence community led them to believe Russia was nothing more than ‘a gas station with nukes’ with a fragile economy- now Russia is stronger than ever. The military industrial complex and Zelenskyy saw a chance to get richer.

The American taxpayer is getting screwed and Russians and UKR’ers are dying in droves. So many UKR soldiers are dying and at such a high percentage of the population that it’s going to change their demographics for generations.

Because of this destruction there is no way Zelenskyy could win a fair and free election. Fuck that midget.
This whole UKR fiasco is the intersection of greed, Neocon ideology, and very bad intell.

The Neocons wanted to depose Putin. The intelligence community led them to believe Russia was nothing more than ‘a gas station with nukes’ with a fragile economy- now Russia is stronger than ever. The military industrial complex and Zelenskyy saw a chance to get richer.

The American taxpayer is getting screwed and Russians and UKR’ers are dying in droves. So many UKR soldiers are dying and at such a high percentage of the population that it’s going to change their demographics for generations.

Because of this destruction there is no way Zelenskyy could win a fair and free election. Fuck that midget.
Many world leaders throughout time have been assassinated or overthrown by their own citizens. I wonder why this guy is so hard to track down if the populace is really tired of what he’s doing over there?
Many world leaders throughout time have been assassinated or overthrown by their own citizens. I wonder why this guy is so hard to track down if the populace is really tired of what he’s doing over there?

By ‘he’ do you mean Zelenskyy? If so he is heavily protected, largely by your and mine tax dollars.

If you mean Putin, he is very popular and is also heavily protected.
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