I’ve been building, fabricating, repairing, modifying aircraft, automobiles and other machines for more decades than I care to admit and I still come across tools I wish I’d known about sooner.
The latest is the handheld induction heater. I’ve known about induction heating metal, a machine shop I worked at use it to hot forge the heads on fasteners made from everything from ordinary steel to exotics like titanium, Greek Ascaloy and Inconel. What I didn’t know is they make a handheld version for removing bolts that need a little persuasion to remove. Some are expensive. Snap On wants almost $1,000 for theirs.
Some more affordable. I ordered this Solary off Amazon for a little over $200, delivered overnight to remove a couple of really stuck bolts in SWAMBO’s Grand Cherokee.

There are several brands, some costing more, some costing less. I’m not recommending this induction heater in particular just induction heaters in general. An induction heater heats metal faster than a MAP torch and keeps the heat localized. It’s a game changer!
Induction heaters can be used to heat metal to a plastic state for bending and forming. I wish I’d known about handheld induction heaters before snapping a few rusty bolts on the frame of my Rubicon!
The latest is the handheld induction heater. I’ve known about induction heating metal, a machine shop I worked at use it to hot forge the heads on fasteners made from everything from ordinary steel to exotics like titanium, Greek Ascaloy and Inconel. What I didn’t know is they make a handheld version for removing bolts that need a little persuasion to remove. Some are expensive. Snap On wants almost $1,000 for theirs.
Some more affordable. I ordered this Solary off Amazon for a little over $200, delivered overnight to remove a couple of really stuck bolts in SWAMBO’s Grand Cherokee.

There are several brands, some costing more, some costing less. I’m not recommending this induction heater in particular just induction heaters in general. An induction heater heats metal faster than a MAP torch and keeps the heat localized. It’s a game changer!
Induction heaters can be used to heat metal to a plastic state for bending and forming. I wish I’d known about handheld induction heaters before snapping a few rusty bolts on the frame of my Rubicon!