Recent content by Ungust

  1. Ungust

    PEOPLE SUCK and that INCLUDES Off Roaders!!

    I did read the artical and it states that the offending person did notify the National Park Service and acknowledged his responsibility for the damages. He paid the $1030 fine and the NPS is exploring ways to restore the damaged historic piece. I reiterate my previous statement that it all...
  2. Ungust

    PEOPLE SUCK and that INCLUDES Off Roaders!!

    I am going to play Devil's Advocate on this one. How did the authorities get this picture? Did the individual involved notify them? It seems that the person turned himself/herself in to the authorities. If so, it would seem that the only crime involved is stupidity. 1) Never wheel...
  3. Ungust

    Asfir Aluminum Armor

    You can successfully drill lightening holes in things like skid plates, the bottoms of steel bumpers and most any where else you can think of, without compromising the protection of your armor. Just remember: not too many holes, not too close together, and lastly not too big! Also do not drill...
  4. Ungust

    Asfir Aluminum Armor

    I run steel armor on my JKUR. Aluminum skids will save you gas money and make your rig lighter. However , aluminum skids are more expensive and much less forgiving of rocks and other immovable obstacles. Also aluminum does not have the same structural integrity or properties that steel does...
  5. Ungust


    Welcome to the Dark Side, young one !!!!
  6. Ungust


  7. Ungust

    Hi Cindy, I just clicked on the link posted on the web site ( email) and all I get is a message...

    Hi Cindy, I just clicked on the link posted on the web site ( email) and all I get is a message saying "OOOPS , we ran into some problems. The background has the WayaLife logo. This has been happening since you guys updated the site. Is it a glitch? If so, is there a work around? Thanks Ungust
  8. Ungust


    Hi. From Torrance , CA.
  9. Ungust

    Thanks Everyone. I can still go wheeling, just a little slower than everyone else.

    Thanks Everyone. I can still go wheeling, just a little slower than everyone else.
  10. Ungust

    POLL : What Size Tire are You Running on Your Jeep?

    25 psi in the desert. 34 psi on the street, on Good Year 33 inch ATs.
  11. Ungust

    POLL : What Size Tire are You Running on Your Jeep?

    25 psi in the desert. 34 psi on pavement. Currently running 33 inch tires.
  12. Ungust

    I'm just getting back to working on my 2012 JKUR. I was severely injured in a motorcycle/car...

    I'm just getting back to working on my 2012 JKUR. I was severely injured in a motorcycle/car accident, last year. Guess which one I was riding? And, NO, it was not the car. My recovery has been a little slow, what with learning how to walk with a prosthetic leg, and all. I have had to learn to...
  13. Ungust

    Hi Y'ALL.

    Hi Y'ALL!
  14. Ungust

    So, who else has had issues with the OEM InfoTainment system on the JKUR?

    I am currently running the RHR 730N system. It seems like it only comes on when it wants too, and then only after a few persuasive taps on the display screen. Are there any reputable repair outfits out there that can resolve this issue , with out charging me a years worth of gas money?
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