Recent content by OverlanderJK

  1. OverlanderJK

    SPOTTED: Any 4X4 other than a Jeep JK/JL Wrangler

    Not a scratch on it.
  2. OverlanderJK

    The Weather Thread

  3. OverlanderJK

    Lunar eclipse this week.

    Will someone stay up and take pictures because I sure as hell ain't making it until 230am.
  4. OverlanderJK

    Best skids / armor?

    Your buddy sounds like a badass. 👍🏻 #builtnotbought
  5. OverlanderJK

    What Happened to all the Eggs??

    That’s because the chicken comes before the egg.
  6. OverlanderJK

    The Weather Thread

    I picked a good spot. Think we are clear.
  7. OverlanderJK

    Best skids / armor?

  8. OverlanderJK

    SHOW us the SNOW!!

    It's like 80 here.
  9. OverlanderJK

    Lift Kit Suggestion

    Terrorflex is garbage. Look elsewhere. Lots of good suggestions here in this thread and none are terrorflex.
  10. OverlanderJK

    Best skids / armor?

    You’ve never taken your Jeep offroad have you? Fully belly skids are a complete waste of money and not necessary. You’re in Florida, so I would get no skids and save your money.
  11. OverlanderJK

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

  12. OverlanderJK

    Don't see these out very often.

    She could have been a he. Never know.
  13. OverlanderJK

    They're not drones

  14. OverlanderJK

    LUX Lighting Scam or Legit?

    I had them back when they first came out and they were great. I think they run a weird business now by not allowing the customer to contact them in any way shape or form. It's weird. I would probably look elsewhere just for that reason which is unfortunate because they are a really great product.
  15. OverlanderJK

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    You actually make a bit of a decent point for once. Although you don’t own the air. Same thing as if you own properly with a River running through it. You don’t own the water so anyone can technically use the water.
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