Recent content by HighwayTrout

  1. HighwayTrout

    Show Off Your Guns!

    Child’s play. Trying marrying a Latina
  2. HighwayTrout

    Show Off Your Guns!

  3. HighwayTrout

    Random Photos

    So cool. Looks like you got a good shot of it. We’ve tried a few times. Only caught tiny glimpses one year of the firefall due to rain, fog, snow or low water. How were the crowds? It gets so out of hand for these couple weeks in February.
  4. HighwayTrout

    Cowl lights!

    Or what truckers refer to as beaver lights.
  5. HighwayTrout

    VIDEO : All Terrain Tires that Grapple the Snow

    Nice too see a tire review with said tire actually in use! Cool little yj too
  6. HighwayTrout

    Commercials You Love

    Hilarious. when I talk to my dad on the phone and I can’t understand what he’s saying I’ll say ‘got milk’ and he will respond with ‘Aaron bur’ then repeat whatever it was I missed. Lol
  7. HighwayTrout

    Commercials You Love

  8. HighwayTrout

    Commercials You Love

    Great thread
  9. HighwayTrout

    Building a Rubicon to ride like a Mojave

    They ride different once they slap the Mojave stickers on them. Honestly. I think you’re chasing a ghost. If the stock ride is not something you’re enjoying. Completely upgrading would be the best bet. (Not with Mojave takeoff parts)
  10. HighwayTrout

    Watcha cookin'?

    I haven’t been notified of a shipping label being created yet. Weird. Let me know when they’ll arrive.
  11. HighwayTrout

    Want a Horse?

    I used to live right next to a blm horse and burro holding facility. Was always fascinated with how they “managed” them. Glad to see the price for adoption hasn’t gone up. lol Basically just the cost of a vet to give some vaccines was my understanding.
  12. HighwayTrout

    Critter Tread - Trapping

    Hell yea
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