Recent content by Clearskies

  1. Clearskies

    Vengeance, part III

    I remember lots of those spots.. Most I wouldn't try.. Awesome Jerry
  2. Clearskies

    VIDEO : Where in the Hell Have We Been?

    It's hard when those you love are taken, mentally or physically.. It makes you look at life so differently. Some few of my Jeep brothers know a little of my story. Your story has me thinking about mine.. I lost my wife to an accident almost 6 years ago now. At the same time my friend and boss...
  3. Clearskies

    Karnage Welder

    I'll put in a third opinion .. that being I won't hit the trail without it. I also did a few test welds (no pics) and also found it ran very hot.. As already noted most anything on my Jeep I'm likely to need it for is thick so hot is good. I purchased both the AC and DC chargers for it.. So far...
  4. Clearskies

    Vengeance, part III

    Great fun Jerry.. I'm really impressed with Vengeance..
  5. Clearskies

    King coilover seal and oil service

    Nice write up .. I'll be needing to do it this fall most likely
  6. Clearskies

    New to Wayalife - trail ate my tires.

    Glad you enjoyed the trail Tuesday.. Let the upgrades begin 🤣 Also have a look at the SoCal thread.. Local runs get posted there
  7. Clearskies

    Defund the Police

    I'm against Defunding the police.. IMO the the biggest problem is people not following police instruction. Certainly there are things the police do that are unacceptable, that said, in a huge amount of incidents the negative outcome simply wouldn't have happened if the suspect had simple have...
  8. Clearskies

    Hazards of Exploring Alone

    For me, I always carry a satellite phone whenever I go out. Not only can you call someone in an emergency it also has and emergency beacon that when activated will bring help. It does have a subscription but it seems like good insurance to me..
  9. Clearskies

    VIDEO : MAJESTIC MOJAVE - 2021 WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run

    Really a good time, thabks for having the trip this year. Great video Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
  10. Clearskies

    2021 WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run

    Getting ready to set up camp.. ready for tomorrow Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
  11. Clearskies

    FLEX FRIDAY!! Let's See Pics of your Jeep Twisted Up!!

    A little spot called the Keyhole in the Calico mountains Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
  12. Clearskies

    Colorado 9/23-9-26

    Here's mine.. long day in the Jeep but we're here. Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
  13. Clearskies

    Colorado 9/23-9-26

    Hey All... Last minute trip to Colorado, doing Black bear, Alpine Loop, Imogene, Poughkeepsie and whatever else I can fit in. let me know if you're interested..
  14. Clearskies

    Long arm brackets.

    So.. last year I upgraded to EVO's high clearance long arms.. I've been very happy but I've found a bit of an issue. I've had on both sides now the lower front bracket fold over into the joint. I haven't contacted ORE yet, I'll do that Monday but I'm curious if anyone else has the issue...
  15. Clearskies

    The Weather Thread

    Too damn hot Sent from my SM-N960U using WAYALIFE mobile app
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