Your insurance provider usually has good discounted rates. I have Geico and can't find any caveats mentioning modified vehicles. I'll have to dig around some more.
Never had issue with jeeps. Ive always gotten a flat bed. But if i have to question a sevice maybe its time to move more reliable before that one time happens.
This is who I have too and they took really good care of my parents with their pickup and truck bed camper. I've emailed them asking them about info on modified vehicles and to see what they think they offer over AAA to try and get as much info as I can before switching. For my 4 vehicles, the quote estimate is practically the same as the AAA membership was.
Wow. Classic response: 'We understand your concern but we still don't really give a fuck.' Typical response these days from lots of companies. Sorry you had to go through it. Hopefully you find another service that can meet your needs.
This issue stems from the tow service provider and AAA backing up their claim of "unable to tow" when clearly they were able to do the job, and even offered to start before you inquired as to the whereabouts of a flatbed. The representative didn't want to put in the few minutes of extra effort to get the tool to go the distance. There's no issue of safety here. Apparently tow truck drivers are so in demand they can turn down easy work. AAA would be advised to look into the quality of service providers in this case.
I think everyone here has had good experiences with their respective insurers and most now offer a fantastic array of services. Many of us here in the southern states have had to purchase new plans over the years where our vehicles were bundled with our (AAA graded) homeowners policies as many insurers pulled out of our states. Although I have fantastic insurance on my homes, I enjoy my automobiles with a traditional insurer and now use Geico for seven vehicles. Not a month after signing with them a squirrel (garden rat) ate through the main harness at the fuse box of my Wrangler that had been parked under a large oak for only fifteen minutes. Ate through the entire thing. Jeep wouldn't start, nothing. It made me think of the advertisements where the Rubicon scares the lizard in the desert ... not so. Complete bullshit.
I had my Jeep towed to the local dealer that evening and told them to get started patching it up. They asked who my insurer was to which I answered but declined wanting to contact them. Apparently Geico among others visits these shops daily. At 0830 the next day I got a call from the dealer and Geico stating I should not repair the harness but have it entirely replaced along with a few other associated parts to be safe. Several thousand dollars in parts and labor. Geico left a check for the entire bill with no deductible and offered to send me another Wrangler for the time mine was in the shop. It took seconds of my time and there were no questions at all. I was beyond impressed and have been with them for eight years. They've taken good care of my needs.
Living a few feet from AAA headquarters in Florida, I've been a past member, but no longer found their services competitive and meeting my needs some time ago. There's an app for everything these days.
Eddie ... go "fishing"!
Like I said, they have helped me and my friends plenty of times in the past and without issue. The problem here is that it only takes the one time that you really need their help and the guy they send will only do it if you pay $600-$700. If you're unwilling to pay it, your Jeep will be determined to be "unsafe" to tow and they will stand behind his decision.
Interesting how an additional $600 to the driver would have resolved the "safety" issue.
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These pretty much say it all.I just do not get why they say they wont tow it but if you gave him the cash all is well ????? Wtf smh. No AAA for me now !
Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Sorry to hear about your experience. I had upgraded my AAA account thinking I would need it for my modified jeep one day. Hopefully I don't get an ass-hat driver like you did when I do.
this thread blew up today!
sucks for ya Eddie that they wouldn't back you up!
I would say you've done all you can... and now this long thread will live on the internet forever...
I wonder how many new customers it will cost them in the end?
you see... Forum posts get indexed... and stick around forever (like Herpes .. or luggage)...
people can rant for days on FB and it just gets buried... not this!
all of us will be thinking before we renew or sign up!
UPDATE: 06/22/2017
Being that I had not heard back from AAA since the last time I spoke with them and was asked to hold off on the cancellation of my premier membership, I contacted them yet again and requested this be done now. To this, I was asked to be patient a just bit longer so that the matter could be looked into and today, I received the following email. Apparently, this message was sent to my representative by Dongie Royster, the Member Experience Supervisor.
There you have it and right from the top. I must say that I was interested to see that they found WAYALIFE and this thread even though I NEVER made mention of either. Of course, in spite it, they are clearly choosing to hold their ground. While that's not surprising, it is disappointing see and it's why I have made yet another request to cancel my so called "service" and have the balance of my annual payment refunded to me. Certainly, there's no reason to pay for help that I might really need, if there's no guarantee they'll provide it.
I should note that Annette was in fact very pleasant to work with and she seemed genuinely interested in helping me even though I had not asked for it. It's a shame the company she works for is incapable of learning from her.