THROWBACK THURSDAY - Show Us Pics of Your Jeep Back in the Day!


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In spite of what so many people seem to think, Moby, our big white 2007 Jeep JK Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited wasn't always as built up as he is today. In fact, when we first got him almost 9 years ago, the JK had just been released and there really wasn't much available for it. Of course, that didn't stop us from taking him out on the trail anyway and as time marched on and more and more parts became available, we slowly built him up starting with a 2.5" budget boost... then a 3" lift... a few different 4" lifts and so on and so on.

With that said, I know there are plenty of you who've followed a similar path and I think it'd be fun to see some pics of your Jeep back in the day. Back when it was stock or just finding its feet and growing up on the trail. To kick things off, here are a few baby pics of Moby that I dug up - I hope you enjoy and hope to see some of yours :cool:

Moby sitting next to our old TJ soon after bringing him home.





So that it isn't missed, I'd really like to see OLD pics or pics back when your Jeep was new and/or stockish. As cool as I'm sure your Jeep is now, we already have a "before and after" thread. With that said, let's see your old pics :yup:
BACK in the DAY JK!

These shots of Moby's very first time out on the trail at Rowher Flats - back when he was still stock and running factory 32" BFG MT's.





Pretty soon after I got her I took this shot in the north west Colorado mountains near Meeker. She was a little smaller and a lot cleaner back then haha!


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Brought my Rubicon X home about a year and a half ago. She's not that old but I hope she lasts for a long long time. Lots of dreams lined up for this one. 1449771055065.jpg1449771023440.jpg
Hard to believe how they were when we bought them...


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1 year and 40k miles ago to now. A slow build but I'm a poor man 😂


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The only back in the day picture I have of a Jeep (M151) I drove at the time was taken April 1968 after I ran over a mine at 40 mph.

Going way back...20 years when I purchased my 95 YJ brand new in December of 1995


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