It's a Jeep thing! If you have one, you totally understand that replacing windshields on a regular basis is a way of life. I've literally replaced so many on Moby alone that the guys at my local Fast Glass shop in Carson City know me on a first name basis... seriously! Anyway, I was wanting to know how many windshields you've gone through so far. Also, please let us know what year your Jeep is so that it can put things into perspective. Thanks! :crazyeyes:
Oh, I should note that Moby's last windshield had several chips and cracks in it but none were bad enough for me to replace it. This last strike is what finally made me take him in to get it replaced. Had the rock hit just a 1/4" higher.... :rolleyes2:

Oh, I should note that Moby's last windshield had several chips and cracks in it but none were bad enough for me to replace it. This last strike is what finally made me take him in to get it replaced. Had the rock hit just a 1/4" higher.... :rolleyes2: