FREE HAT to the first person who actually offends us! (litebrite)

Lol. You've been gone for a year or two and then show up to post in this thread? Unbelievable.

Either way, we haven't forgot about you. Or at least I haven't.

You're the guy that thought it was something to brag about that others are working to pay for your retirement like it was some funny joke:!?p=880797&viewfull=1#post880797

And you're also the guy that went to another forum and threatened physical violence against me personally if you ever ran into me on a trail:

View attachment 324770

Real stand up guy, you are.. :rolleyes2:

Since your such a fan of Lite Brite, why don't you spend more time in their internet circles rather than here. It's been nice not having you here.

Lol it’s ok, he’s a “sApPeR” you better be scared!

In regards to when soldiers brag about civilians paying for their retirement... soldiers pay taxes too. So congrats sApPeR, you played yo self

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I keep telling my wife the only thing preventing my success as huge YouTube star is I need bigger tits. She inisists no one wants to see my tits. :grayno:
So... who won the hat? :idontknow: :crazyeyes:

In all seriousness, this is my very first post on this thread and really, I had no intentions of ever posting on it. The reason why I'm posting on it now is because a friend of mine sent me the following screen shot and I just couldn't let it go unchecked.


Clearly, we live in a very different world, one where people say all kinds of slanderous things on the internet and while I have no desire or intentions of trying defending myself on social media sites, I would like to take a moment and respond this flat out lie here. For those of you who are fans of her, I would challenge you or ANYONE to find a single instance where I have said ANYTHING as foul or vulgar about her or her husband as they have been saying about me.
So... who won the hat? :idontknow: :crazyeyes:

In all seriousness, this is my very first post on this thread and really, I had no intentions of ever posting on it. The reason why I'm posting on it now is because a friend of mine sent me the following screen shot and I just couldn't let it go unchecked.

View attachment 335082

Clearly, we live in a very different world, one where people say all kinds of slanderous things on the internet and while I have no desire or intentions of trying defending myself on social media sites, I would like to take a moment and respond this flat out lie here. For those of you who are fans of her, I would challenge you or ANYONE to find a single instance where I have said ANYTHING as foul or vulgar about her or her husband as they have been saying about me.

Let me guess, the person she was posting/replying to was Tom Woods Driveshafts? Just a hunch :idontknow:
What a jackass. Both and all of them. I’m glad I’m cancer to their “community”. I have no desire to be a part of the “Jeep community” these asshats promote. I bought my Jeep to get away from these people and I throughly enjoy the Jeep brand. People in “their community” are the ones that think JK’s are the first vehicle Jeep ever made.

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Free hat to the first person who actually offends us!

Funny, I have a wife and a daughter. I don’t take pictures of either of them in provocative poses, with skin tight clothing, looking over their shoulders like they are waiting for Tom’s Chinese Wood or Tony’s procock, all to get free Jeep parts and have someone else pay for the lifestyle I can’t earn for myself by providing something of real value to society.
She claims to have been called vulgar things that men who “don’t have wives or daughters “ said, then called you a “Twatopotamus”?! I’m with Overlander, I never wanted to be part of “their” delusional, hypocritical little community. I’m very happy here with my friends on Wayalife.

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Funny, I have a wife and a daughter. I don’t take pictures of either of them in provocative poses, with skin tight clothing, looking over their shoulders like they are waiting for Tom’s Chinese Wood or Tony’s procock, all to get free Jeep parts and have someone else pay for the lifestyle I can’t earn for myself by providing something of real value to society.

Yeah I found the irony in that as well.

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Husbands and Fathers with respect for their wife or daughter don’t brand themselves using their wife’s half naked body and bedroom pictures on public social media accounts to increase numbers. Personally, I haven’t seen Eddie post a foul or vulgar name about either of Kev&ho. Nor have I ever witnessed such slander and drama as litebrite drums up before community events such as last years moab trip or the resent beach bash. I’m sure a public apology is around the corner for being “negative” since we know litebrite isn’t like that... only that is exactly what they are about. This recent post is case in point. Additionally, posting to Wayalife’s YouTube channel and this fourm to cause drama as they have just before Moab earlier in the year is another case in point.

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These social media wars are so fucking juvenile. Isn't it ironic that it ALWAYS starts by someone coming at THIS community talking garbage? I've NEVER seen anyone from here go after another site or person unless provoked first. That pretty much sums it up for me.

Edit. And Ovie nailed it: I also want nothing to do with that part of the Jeep community. Its filled with posers, wannabes, IG heroes, and homos that think parking their jeeps on top of each other is "Wheeling". No thanks. I'd rather hang with the doers.
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