Because I know it's coming, I'd like to make an impassioned plea to all of you to please take PRIDE in your your Jeep JL Wrangler and more importantly, in its grill. The grill your JL was born with is an AMERICAN ICON with a rich, battle born history dating all the way back to WWII. It is a symbol of all that your JL is and one that Jeep specifically uses a trademarked logo. Every model that came before it had its OWN unique styling and look and that's what make each and everyone of them special. To give your JL a face lift and replace it with angry eyes, a unibrow, a Darth Vader mask or even a grill delete is a lot like replacing the faces on Mount Rushmore with faces from the boy band, New Kids on the Block. In so many ways, your Jeep JL Wrangler is a blank canvas and one designed to be lifted, to run bigger tires, to have different bumpers, rocker guards, fenders and have just about any modification you can think of made to it and to the point where you can barely recognize what it looked like from the factory BUT... so long as you keep it's face intact, it'll always be a Jeep.
My name is Eddie and I am proud to own a JL Wrangler! :usa-flag:
My name is Eddie and I am proud to own a JL Wrangler! :usa-flag: